What breed does my mare look most like?

My guess would be generic stock horse breeding: qh, solid paint, solid app, etc.


Another vote for TB, TBx, maybe some saddlebred in there but I’ve seen plenty of TBs that look just like her.

To me, her breed is “cute”. I’d assume she’s coming/barely 3 IIWM and take it slow - give her a chance to fill out. Lots of walking and manners and seeing the world. Good luck!


Another vote for TB x Quarter Horse, how tall is she?

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She’s almost 15.3h, when I got her 3 months ago she was 15.1ish.

Yes, Saddlebred was my first thought also. Lookit’ that neck.


@pony_grandma, here’s a shot of my filly and she’s 100% Saddlebred.


OP, what general part of the country ( or Canada) are you in? Are there Amish communities in your area?

Join the consensus opinion some blend of TB x stock breed. But, if she is not very wide? And her stance? Might be some ASB mixed in as well.

Can we see a full front photo and one from the rear?

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I know!! I know!!

She is a pretty red one!


I vote TB with maybe some Saddlebred in there.
Maybe Standarbred?

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I’m located in Mississippi but the previous owner got her from an auction in Alabama. She’s kinda toed out, which makes me think she will get a wider chest.

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Looks like a ASB/QH cross.

She doesn’t quite have the ASB face but I’d still send dna to registry to see if anything comes back.

Voting for Standardbred cross or grade.

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Shes really toed out, could be at least partially due to what looks like some footwork needed. Doesn’t look like shes trimmed even or shes worn them down asymmetrically. In that top picture, front hooves look really chipped and cracked, shel’ll stand up better after that gets fixed.

. I still see a bit of ASB in her hips. But she could use some groceries, she could fill out some but not seeing heavy stock type here, Been wrong before so will be following. Look forward to updates.

What’s her name?


Keep posting pictures–it will be nice to see what she looks like as she continues to grow and gets a summer coat.


Her name is Ginger, which quite suits her. The footing in that photo wasn’t the best and she does have trims regularly. Here’s one of her standing on a better surface, I also might add the ground is somewhat uneven giving the illusion that her coronet bands are not equal.

My money* is still on TB/TBX. The most talented, athletic mare I ever had was 7/8 TB, 1/8 QH and a total XC machine. If I wasn’t breakable, middle -aged and a confirmed convert to combined driving ponies, I’d still be chasing that high and looking for another TBX mare who moved like a cat. As it is, I’m Team Short and Hairy these days, but like to admire other people’s nice mares.

  • What there is of it, given ponies. And harness. And etc.

Saddlebred. :wink: I’d put $ on it.


This is a full Saddlebred:


Only she isn’t gaited and doesn’t have a low enough hind end to be one. I’m sure she has some saddlbred or standardbred nonetheless.

90% of Saddlebreds aren’t gaited. :wink: