What can I do with a broken clavicle?

No, seriously, I broke my collarbone last week (not horse-related) and I’m totally bummed to be missing a lot of great riding weather.

Obviously, I can’t ride until it heals (I can’t lift anything, for instance, and a fall would compound the damage)…but can anybody think of anything horse related I can do in the mean time? Or am I just limited to patting him and giving him treats for the next few weeks?

You can read good books about riding! :smiley:

Clean your tack.

Give your friends schooling lessons.

Watch your friends/trainer riding.

Free lunging.

Hand grazing.

Watch him in his paddock having fun and grazing.

Brush him good!

My tack does need cleaning… :slight_smile:

just my 2 cents!

I don’t know where you live but…
go to horseshows

go to events/steeplechase races/horse races

go to any & all equestrian events; volunteer at some

join & participate in a horse club/breed club

get a friend/trainer to ride your horse for you

handgraze your horse in the sunshine and mellow out & think healing thoughts!!! :winkgrin:

All good advice except the hand grazing and grooming or anything around the horse, that to be done only with great care at first.
A bump from a careless moment will be painful or can even set you back.
You don’t have a cast to protect the area, as in some other broken extremity bone.

Hope all heals well in time, this shall pass.:yes:

It does heal, been there done that, but watch that arm carefully while it’s still setting. On the positive front, moving your arm is a good thing, you don’t want to freeze up.

I think I was back to doing whatever after just a couple of weeks (two breaks, but no surgery) … I found, however, that dismounting was really painful because that collarbone is connected to just about everything in the body, and a thump on the feet hurt a lot!

Yeah, I spent all of the first week and most all of last week with my arm in a sling when I was out of the house. I took it off this week because it’s not really doing anything at this point but it still hurts if I were to stress my arm too much so I feel wary about going to do horsey stuff yet.