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What Color Ribbons Should Be Used as Sign of Reverence for Lost Lives?

I am a senior in high school. Several friends and I, pretty much my entire senior class, want to tie ribbons around our car antennas (etc) in memorial of the lost lives b/c of the terrorist attacks. Has a particular color been established already? I know during the Gulf War, people used yellow ribbons. Pink is for breast cancer; red is traditionally for AIDs or drug awareness.

We were thinking blue (as in red, white, and blue). But we didn’t want to use blue if another color was already being used.

Emily proud
member of the junior clique!

Usually when someone dies people wear black armbands,etc… people at my school used to do that on the anniversary of Bob Marley’s death. The Gypsy color for mourning is white, which I think is nicer.

All of my friends including me are going to wear red or blue pants, a white shirt, and blue or red ribbons in there hair tomorrow. There are so many kids at my school that have parents that work for the pentagon and might have died. I am soo upset about this. We all thought this would be a great tribute to them.

we all have three little tiny red, white and blue ribbon together. Also, a lot of people are using those little sticky stars that are kind of metallic in a diagonal line in the above order.

  • L.

“I’m here, but I’m really gone.”

Go to a bead shop and gets lots of red white and blue beads. Also buy lots of medium sized safety pins.

String about 8 safety pins through the prong part of the 9th. Then string the beads on the 8 safety pins in such an order that you create the US flag . Sell these American Flag pins for $5 each and donate the money to a relief organization.

That way you are doing good while you are doing good.

Since no one uses them anymore, that would be a wonderful idea. It would only take a small piece of material, or a cut up old tie or shirt.

How about a combining two ribbons together. The red/white and blue for America…and a black ribbon for all that have perished in this senseless tragedy.

One of the co-pilots families had put up purple ribbons around the outside of their house.

Red, white, and blue. Is there really any other option?

I am doing a show Saturday & am considering wearing a black armband…my question is, which arm? SUZ

I agree about taking 3 ribbons (red white and blue) and putting them together.

Red- the blood that has been shed

White- the rescue effort, doctors, nurses, emt, fire police et al…

Blue- Justice

That about sums it up.

I am a senior in high school. Several friends and I, pretty much my entire senior class, want to tie ribbons around our car antennas (etc) in memorial of the lost lives b/c of the terrorist attacks. Has a particular color been established already? I know during the Gulf War, people used yellow ribbons. Pink is for breast cancer; red is traditionally for AIDs or drug awareness.

We were thinking blue (as in red, white, and blue). But we didn’t want to use blue if another color was already being used.

Emily proud
member of the junior clique!

Ditto, Jo.

There are ribbons made that have red, white, blue stripes. Seems very fitting. Probably found at most craft or fabric stores.

“The older I get, the better I used to be.”

But do we have to be so unoriginal as to wear ribbons? They’ve been used for everything, in every color of the rainbow. I’d love for someone to come up with something else. People don’t even really look at ribbons anymore…

Why not just wear a flag pin?

I tied red, white and blue ribbons to my car antenna as a small personal gesture. And will be wearing those colors tomorrow.