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What do the forums mean to you?

Have the forums played a big role in your life? The Chronicle would like to know what the forums mean to you. Have you made any special connections, created decade-long friendships or met anyone in real life?

Share below, or you can email Kimberly at kloushin@coth.com.

I know a few of the posters in my neighborhood and it’s pleasant to see their views on topics. The Horse Care/Around the Farm have given me good ideas as I am a first time farm owner. Farmer Girl wannabe.

It’s a nice feeling of community of us horse owners.

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The Chronicle Forums have been an important and valued resource to me for the last 20 or so years that I’ve been visiting, especially since I purchased a commercial boarding facility about 16 years ago. I’ve just sold that farm, and have downsized dramatically to a ‘normal’ house in an equestrian community as a retired horsegal with only one horse… but here I still am!

The ability to post quietly incognito when trying to solve problems and glean ideas here has been a huge help over the years. Someone always knows something helpful and shares when i have been stuck or unsure.

Some of the entertaining threads have absorbed me for hours too- and I have been comforted recently on some of the non-horse discussions to feel that whether or not horse people are crazy, they are mostly crazy like me, and tend to share a reassuring worldview in these unsettling times. As well, those who are not wired like me teach me that there are other viewpoints and opinions that may be worthy of consideration- this is not a complete echo chamber.

I do know a couple people in real life that are on the forums, and have reached out to/been contacted a number of times for additional discussion, but I also feel I ‘know’ some of the more frequent posters because they are voices that lend so much to the community… thanks to the usual suspects for keeping threads flowing and chiming in with wit and wisdom frequently.

The new format (several years now probably!) isn’t as comfy to read and use as the old one, I don’t think… displaying more thread titles would help entice people into reading and then of course participating in conversations… now it’s a bit more cumbersome process where you have to dedicate yourself to see ‘what’s going on’ in any particular corner of the forums. Others may feel differently, and it may have been a necessity, but the old format seemed a bit friendlier.

I realize the Chronicle doesn’t per say make any money off the forums, but they have really been a great resource for me, and I anticipate continuing to stop by to see what everyone’s up to as long as I remain in the horsiesphere, ie, forever.

And lest we forget… THANK YOU for making these forums available.

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