As these posts are filled with young rider’s looking for Working Student (WS) opportunities, I was hoping a couple of you could share your experiences as to what has transpired at your own barns or what you have heard is commonly offered/provided to a WS (junior)at A show type barns. What is the most generous working student position you have ever come across? Was the WS given free board if they owned their own? Were they allowed to show “sale” horses at AA shows regularly or just worked them at home? If they showed, how regularly? Weekly? How many sale horses at any one time? Free lessons? If so how many a month? Do barn’s pay for all the WS’s entries, annual memberships and the horse’s braiding? Would they pay for the WS to ship and show a “sale horse” at indoors? For those with specific experiences, would the Equitation (Big Eq.) goals of the WS factor into the barn’s consideration at all when it comes to selling away a horse, selecting which shows to attend, filing classes with horses/riders to help qualify, etc. or would the WS always be expected to sacrifice their own goals for the benefit of the barn’s paying clients?
So, are these types of perks available at most A circuit barns or are any of these not regularly provided WS benefits? Also, do any of these seem outrageous to you?