What happened to my post?

I spent considerable time this morning writing a post only to have it not appear on the thread? Happened yesterday too, but I realized then that I had not logged in. But today I pointedly logged in. It seems it was “accepted” but when I checked back later, it was not on the thread. Where did it go?

Same problem but I thought it was the computer set on foreign language characters. Kept telling me I needed to write something to post. This ancient laptop might work, if I can post at all.

Yay! It showed up! Um, sometimes if you are using a dinosaur like this one and post when several others are posting you have to wait forever. If you leave too soon, poof goes the post. The only way to be sure your post is accepted is to see it on the screen as a post. And to be honest I think I’ve had a couple vanish when I thought they were up there too.

I don’t have a dinosaur–thought maybe the log in was on a timer and ran out… It took me so long with edits and all–I refuse to rewrite it. Sure would like to have it back though.

That one posted…but first the screen went black for a second–that’s never happened before…

Doesn’t help you in this case, but I learned long, long ago to always highlight my whole post and copy it before hitting submit. Any number of things can go wrong when you’re dealing with message boards and the internet.

We’re so sorry for the trouble!

I’m not sure of the cause of the problem if you didn’t get any type of error message. We’ll keep an eye on this thread and please report back if you see anything similar again (that goes for anyone else too!).

Again, sorry for the trouble ~
Mod 1

Did you get the “message too short” warning?