what in the wide world of sports does this mean?

[ATTACH=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“large”,“data-attachmentid”:10260537}[/ATTACH] I have tried to load Coth on my laptop, for two days now and this is what I get. I have been doing this for donkey years now, no problemo. It doesn’t do that on big Bertha. So in frustration as I am too lazy to go into the other room, I tried IE, (but prefer google,) it works. google seems t cause me a lot of trouble, but it is so easy! when it works… I have had this problem with EN for a couple of years now. google will NOT open the photos on EN site. So while I cruise thru all my usual news feeds on g, I have to drop all and go to E if I want EN. I hope I don’t have to do that with Coth. Have you ever seen anything like this?

Janice in Independence


Google Chrome had some recent updates that messed some stuff up on my computer. Do a google search for The Chronicle, then click the main link for the page in the search results (not an advertisement link) and see if it will load then. Then just create a new bookmark.

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What does that message actually say? You’ve taken a picture of half of it.

I’ve gotten that message before in Chrome. For some reason, if an URL comes up as https:// and the site does not have a security certificate (I assume), Chrome flags it as not safe. I’ve had some luck working around it by retyping the URL as http://.

Thanks Downen. I tried to do what was suggested up thread and that didn’t work. Simke I will try to take a better photo tonight when I get home.

Another thing you might try is to clean out your cookies, cache, temp internet files - the whole shebang. Delete it all. Shut down chrome, then reload. Then see if you can get to the Chronicle through a Google search (not your stored shortcut). Also ensure Chrome is the latest version/update too.

I do not recommend using http:// to get around https:// issues. The “s” = “secure”, is there for a reason!

I do dump my cache frequently. I am also having trouble with a website with my Medicare supplement ins. It is almost enough to make me walk away from the computer. almost…

Simkie, I did take another pic and it is even worse than that one.

Not every website is an https site. I don’t have a security certificate for my website as I do not need one, so if I were to add an “s” to the http:// I can simulate the same error as the OP was showing.


Try checking to make sure the date and time are correct on your computer:


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For some reason my post didn’t show…I get the same message on my laptop but not my kindle. Yes date time okay, and emptied the cookies. Frustrating.

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Did you find any solution Jackie? I’m fed up as I tried almost everything but it doesn’t seems to be working. I don’t want to work in Firefox or Opera as they are damn slow to work while Chrome is continuously giving this error. Tried this guide https://validedge.com/your-connection-is-not-private/ and many more from Appuals, DriverEasy but no help.

Yeah, the same happened to me as well while I was trying to access DailyMotion

I had a similar problem once and it ended up being something to do with the date and time set in my computer. When a software update or change happened (sorry, I can’t remember the exact details) it didn’t reset my clock or calendar so it wouldn’t allow me to access some websites, flagged as dangerous when they weren’t. I don’t know if this helps because I can’t remember what the error message was, if it was the same thing you are getting or something else.

This just started happening to me. If I do chronofhorse.com/forum that I get an error. If I remove the http part and start with www.chronofhorse.com/forum then it works fine. Very strange, but there is a workaround.

My laptop had the Danger warning, and wouldn’t go forward (I have a favorite for COTH Forum, and it’s on my Chrome home page). I went to COTH (the main page), clicked on Forums under Voices, and then updated the favorite.

I had to change a couple of favorites for other sites too, I think it’s an issue with a software update, but not really COTH.

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I deleted my shortcut / favorite and navigated again to the forum and saved a new fave. Happened after they did maintenance in the previous week. I have not had issues elsewhere

So you turn off Your Firewall or Antivirus software.
Oh goodie! I really want to turn off my firewall~! Not. I have had my computer for a long time, Well several different ones but I have no formal training, and as I get older, the directions seem to me at least, get more and more difficult to follow. I KNOW I do not want to disable my firewall. I also have ad blockers, but somehow, ads still rush thru. Sometimes, a site will throw up a barrier saying I cannot proceed without turning it off. The moving ads on EN drive me crazy. Fortunately, CoTH doesn’t do those. But I still see the ads. I wonder how much of this might be due to Google. It is so easy to use, but it does some weird things. I can not post on EN. I wonder if that affects others too because there are rarely any comments. But if I go to IE, I can post!
Sorry for the rant.

@Larksmom you’re responding to a spam post, which has been reported.


egad! I went to that link and could make nothing of it.

Clicking on links from brand new posters is probably something you want to avoid doing.