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What is 27,154 gallons and weighs about 113 tons?

One inch of rain per acre is 27,154 gallons and weighs about 113 tons

Yesterday evening our place was the epicenter of a small Low Pressure system… We got 6.5 inches of rain in less than two hours… over 400,000 gallons of water 734 Tons of water fell on to the place.

Fortunately Most of our buildings are elevated above grade so no problems there but the small barn has a aisle at grade that is or was matted as the stall mats washed out into the paddock.

And the poor goats…their habitat which its past life started as the young kids’ play fort/house flooded as it was built as a play thing without thought or concern about raising water.

I blame my insurance provider who a few months ago sent out an advisory about flood insurance saying most any place can endure a localized flood (which I bushed aside)

No problems with the house or property other than it appears goats do not swim No fences washed out but the pastures sure are cleaner than usual as anything that was not attached to the ground floated to the fences … fortunately I had picked up most of the manure in the morning as it was a nice morning

No real complaints other than the big horses wondering why they are still in their their stalls this morning. (we have one new one Lexie who had been only pasture kept for her first five years, she was the first one who Demanded to be gathered up to be put into her stall as the rain started).

And now I have to build up the self encouragement to go see what I have not seen


Oh gosh…I’m so sorry. Good luck!

oh really not a major problem just wished the rain had been spread out over a few months rather than in minutes


Oh no. This does not sound good for the goats

Oh, my. That is a lot of water!

What’s “rain”?


that is what we were asking the last seven months as all rain went around us, this system was sneaky slipping in around the southern side of Ft Worth then moved north. The systems that come in usually are deflected north or south by the high-rises of downtown going around us


Goats DO hate water!

We call those rain storms “turd floaters” or “toad floaters” depending on the property.

Feel free to send that insurance quote over here to NM! We’d take some of that rain off your hands, clanter.


might add by 10:30AM this morning it was dry enough to let the horses out into their pastures without them damaging the sod

We did not realize when we bought this place that it is actually sloped from the northeast to the southwest. The slope is slight but total drop is about four or maybe five feet which gives the land the appearance of being flat

Over six inches rain, then to be letting the horses back out in about fifteen hours is not too bad I guess (even though they thought they had been imprisoned for life )


Sure would be nicer if it came down over a few weeks but glad to hear the homestead suffered no ill effects, (apart from someone whose nose is out of joint).

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Hey Clanter, that sneaky system hit us this morning. It’s raining!!! It has not rained since February. Last week it was just a boring old earthquake. This is big stuff!