I moved two of my horses home this weekend and had a few round bales delivered. They were advertised “very nice horse quality” hay. The hay itself is actually really nice, but it is FULL of burrs. I was filling hay nets for their stalls this evening and had to throw out as much hay as I was putting in. I’m waiting on a response from the guy - I’m half expecting that he is going to ghost me and just not respond. Am I missing something? I get that the hay itself is quality hay but I can’t feed it to horses as is. I have purchased hay before from other suppliers and have never had bad hay like this - the occasional “weedy” bale but nothing worth complaining about. What is an appropriate resolution to ask for? Come pick up the hay and refund? Partial refund? Nothing?
I am wondering if he tried to pull a fast one on me and give me shitty bales. I arranged to pick up the hay myself last week, rented a trailer, and drove an hour to pick up, only for him to show up (late) and say “sorry, I forgot that you were coming and I don’t have a tractor to load the hay today”. He offered to deliver it for free - his idea, not mine. But I wonder if he was irritated about offering and thought he could give the shitty bales “that aren’t near as nice as the others” that he offered to sell me at a discount when we first talked.