I strongly beg to differ on the breast collars in reining. They are quite popular and you will see many riders using them. It’s all personal preference. I use one if I have a particularly chubby horse or one without good withers because I think it helps keep the saddle balanced.
As far as a throat latch on a bridle, the rule of thumb is if you are showing a snaffle bit horse, use a headstall with a brow band and a throat latch. Shanked bits get a one or two eared headstall with no throat latch.
With dress, it’s again, personal preference. You probably won’t see any colored chaps outside of black, tan, brown or a buckskin color but people
Definitely get jazzy with their pads and shirts. Most commonly you will see solid colored button up shirts on open riders. The non pros tend to get a little more blingy with their shirt choices. As far as hats, Black and Tan are good all year. Straw from May to September. Grey is also an increasingly popular choice and I kind of like it.
Here’s some pics for fashion reference of a few of my horses.
More of a plain look: I love her in burgundy too.
Changed it up with a burgundy tan and black sun dance pad:
Went with teal and black here:
This is a terrible quality still shot but, tan and blue:
Teal and tan:
Or really loud: tan and pink haha