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What is the earliest your pony mares have Foaled at?

Hoping I am just being overly anxious, but what is the earliest your pony mares have foaled with a healthy foal? When do they usually begin to bag up? I know this is different with each, but wondering if it is true that ponies sometimes tend to go a bit sooner and still have healthy foals?

My pony mare (who is not a maiden) is currently day 281 and is starting to bag up. Had vet out 2 weeks ago to do an ultrasound for peace of mind, as she had some sudden udder edema and was just looking really uncomfortable and huge and figured it would be better to have a checkup…

Unfortunately ended up not getting our usual repro vet, and a different vet from the practice came out. She felt like all was well; foal heart rate was 92-96 BPM at day 265, so she opted to only do an external ultrasound and wait and see. She thought the edema was maybe just hormonal changes. There was no discharge from vulva so she felt like it was not placentitis, so did not prescribe meds and to just keep an eye on her.

I’ve attached a photo (or tried to!) Of what she looked like today…