What is your favorite piece of tack/accessory/other horse thing that isn't manufactured anymore?

I just got my laced in opposite directions Courbette not long ago and haven’t gotten the chance to use it or clean it, but I’m sure it won’t be the easiest! I do like the look though, and the reins are super grippy!

Your Courbettes sound beautiful, and it’s a shame you never got the one back! The leather on mine is indeed similar to my older Crosbys and I love it! I love the really refined look and have a square raised Crosby like that that I used on my very dainty headed MFT mare who was often mistaken for an Arab. It looked great on her!

I haven’t had the chance to actually use either of my completely white lined bridles yet, but thought they were cool and unique enough to buy. Hopefully at some point I’ll be able to, but sadly the only horse I’ve ever owned that I thought would look great in one passed before I ever got a hold of mine. My Stübben has never been used at all, and my Crosby has been very lightly used, so both are pretty pristine!

Murphy’s Oil Soap in the jar.

Bring it back.


Ariat All Circuits. That fabric was the best!


I have a pair for sale. Size 28.

Yes! These gloves are incredible. I bought them from a tack store a few years ago while I was a working student. At the time, a typical day for me was lunge three, ride 3-5. That was six days a week. It took a WHOLE YEAR to get a single hole in them!! And stayed sticky the whole time. I couldn’t see the brand anymore so I called that tack shop, described the glove trying to find it and they told me the terrible news. I continued to ride in them for a few years after becoming a casual adult ammy until they were threads, but still sticky! I’ll have to try the football brand, I swear they were life changing.

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My Ariat Flurry pants are worn all winter long. They don’t make these anymore but they are a lined pant that I use to wear over my show clothing at winter horse shows. You can ride in them (they have a knee patch) but they are so very warm. They ran big, mine are size 22 and they would be too large to wear without something bulky underneath. When these wear out not sure what I will do but I have had them for at least 15 years. Wish they would bring them back.

Things I do NOT miss: Tailored Sportsman old school 2-way stretch breeches. I swear those things didn’t stretch in any direction.

It’s clearly a safety issue and I always ride in my “real” helmet, but I miss how well my old hunt cap fit. 20 years later now and then I pop it on and it still fits like a very comfortable glove.


Kroop’s paddock boots. They fit like a glove and held up for years.


Yea, never again with THAT fabric!

I miss riding coats that actually covered my buttocks.

I sort of miss the cavalry twill cotton breeches, that is until I discovered the silicon full seat breeches. I just do not remember slipping around the saddle seat as much when I wore the old fashioned breeches. So what if I looked like I was in a comic opera. For me security in the saddle rules.


A friend of mine still rides in an old Stubben Siegfried she’s had forever. I know for a fact she could afford a pricier saddle but it fits her and her horse so why not?


Murphy’s might not, but a COTHer posted a DIY recipe:
Buy the liquid, dump into a container (I used a recycled tupperware-type - holds about 2 cups) & leave uncovered.
It dehydrates into the gel form.

I have a pair of Derbydress breeches I bought from a trainer friend’s sister over 30yrs ago.
Nice, heavyweight fabric.
They are black, so used for schooling - worn much more often than showing!
Real suede kneepatches & only the stitching there is starting to fray.
IIRC, I paid less than $50.
Goofing around with barnmates, bleach was involved & landed on the breeches :open_mouth:
Oddly, fabric only discolored inside, outside has no spotting at all. Weird…

My brother bought me Patagonia Winter breeches - over 25yrs ago.
Fleece inside, synthetic kneepatches.
Warm, lightweight & wear like iron.
They’ve been machine-washed a zillion times & aside from a few pinholes near the knees, could be new.

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I had a pair of bi-colored Grand Prix half chaps, tan and chocolate. Loved them, but can’t find them anymore.

Thanks; yes I remember seeing that about letting liquid old soap dehydrate. Have you tried this successfully?

I still have some OLD Murphy’s oil soap left in an jar. Seems like it’s got something else in it compared to the liquid Murphy’s oil soap? Maybe a lot more glycerin? Something?

Yes, have the stuff sitting in my barn, probably over a year now & still usable.

Folding felt hind brushing boots. Sometimes they had Velcro, but I miss the ones that had ties.

Opened, jelly-form Murphy’s oil soap can go rancid. It doesn’t always, but if the stuff you had is darker than golden, running and doesn’t smell Only Awesome, that might be what’s going on.

Sigh… I was sitting at the grand arena in WEC 2 weeks ago reminiscing about the days of the hunt cap with someone. We were talking about fit of the newer Kask and Samshield helmets and how hard it is to remember what that was like to have them fit like a glove. Granted, we all know it’s the safer move, but WOW… the look was so classic.


I forget the name of who made them but they are replacement stirrup pads made of aluminum. I have had my pair for probably 15 years.

Whew, this brought back memories! I think I last saw some circa 1982?