What Kind Of 'Exercise Stirrup' Is This?

On Flameaway?
I’ve never seen irons like this before. It looks like exercise rider has longer than normal leathers as well.

Thanks for any info!

9th page down on pdf.

I just see regular irons that look like they have a tread which may be held on with tape or vetwrap?

Stirrup leather length is a matter of personal preference. There is a saying, “the longer you ride, the longer you ride,” because a lot of folks shorten excessively for speed/style, only to find themselves on the ground if anything goes awry.


I see regular irons with (probably) SealTex Latex – that rubbery self-stick tape – wrapped around for traction – same stuff we used to wrap rubber snaffles with so they wouldn’t get chewed up as fast by young horses in training. Used all the time (at least back in my day) for stirrup traction.

Also, the rider is tall and has a very long femur so rides in a longer stirrup – BUT his knees are actually higher up than the rider behind him who is shorter/shorter legged. Not riding long at all. He’s way up there.

OH! I see it now - I put a magnifying on picture and now I see better!
It first looked like it was all metal and silver-ish below.
goddam cataracts. I feel so stupid.

Don’t worry! It is not so easy to find it here

I believe he has these on the stirrup. https://www.smartpakequine.com/pt/super-comfort-iron-pads-6038?utm_source=cpc&utm_medium=google&utm_content=shopping&utm_campaign=nb_shopping_tes&utm_term=16038&gclid=CjwKCAjw_tTXBRBsEiwArqXyMiimt6vCeDVUHGzwoULAPj_Cfu1xLQE1LtVYV0gVjaRxt1l_PFe5SRoCdEQQAvD_BwE

They wrap around and secure on the bottom w/ little zip ties. I ride in them, like them quite a bit.