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What Racehorse Do You Wish They'd Make a Movie About?

I’m really looking forward to seeing Secretariat and the John Henry movie. Seabiscuit was okay but too “adjusted” for the screen; why tamper with a story that is fantastic on its own? My all-time favorite racing movie so far remains Phar Lap.

So assuming an accurately done movie, what would you like to see? Not just necessarily best horses but great stories.

I’d love a Man o’ War movie, but I also think Black Gold had a great, almost movie-like story (although unhappy ending :cry:). Affirmed/Alydar might make a good one, the two rival camps but classy rivals. Maybe Whirlaway? He had a great story with Calumet first coming to prominence, the trainer trying to work out the “crazy” horse, exciting style, and he helped a lot with fund raising with WW2 in his 4yo year, as well. Lots of neat details in his career.


Red Rum.

Jay Trump.



Our Mims


Ditto this-- his story is an amazing one-- a story of an ugly old horse, used as the training partner for beautiful Sun King( who was a petulant spoiled boy), and wins the Kentucky Derby!!!

Genuine Risk, Ta Wee, etc.

Great question!

Genuine Risk - bred by a woman who had never bred a TB before, chosen by a 14 year-old boy at auction, second filly to win the Derby, has only two living foals, and the story goes on and on.

Ta Wee - beats the boys carrying 142 pounds and becomes the greatest female weight carrier of all time.

Evening Attire - the horse that the fans loved so much.

Tim Tam - a brilliant runner who finds bad luck…

Forego and Kelso - two geldings who made the world sit up and take notice.

I’m sure if I thought about it harder I could come up with another dozen!

Hallie :slight_smile:

Ditto this-- his story is an amazing one-- a story of an ugly old horse, used as the training partner for beautiful Sun King( who was a petulant spoiled boy), and wins the Kentucky Derby!!![/QUOTE]
Exterminator wasn’t old. KD was for 3 year olds even back in 1918. :wink:

He did have the nickname, Old Bones, because he was hard to keep in good weight (also why he was gelded). No Gastrogard or Winstrol in those days. Never the less, Exterminator raced until he was 8 (50 wins from 100 starts) and lived until passed his thirtieth birhday.

BTW, he was purchased as a training partner for the 1917 US Champion 2 year old racehorse, Sun Briar.

And yes, the story would make a great movie.

I’d love to see a movie about these guys:


Exterminator wasn’t old. KD was for 3 year olds even back in 1918. :wink:

He did have the nickname, Old Bones, because he was hard to keep in good weight (also why he was gelded). No Gastrogard or Winstrol in those days. Never the less, Exterminator raced until he was 8 (50 wins from 100 starts) and lived until passed his thirtieth birhday.

BTW, he was purchased as a training partner for the 1917 US Champion 2 year old racehorse, Sun Briar.

And yes, the story would make a great movie.[/QUOTE]

OOPS!!! I knew when I was typing Sun King that something wasn’t right with that-- my bad!!!
As far as the OLD – I meant he was a ugly ol’ horse–as in plain, not as in age!! LOL

I loved Gorella. Tiny thing would make a great movie.

Wouldn’t mind seeing an updated version of Phar Lap.

Seattle Slew. Ugly foal from unproven parents. Formerly blue collar owners acquire formerly ugly foal, now an unimpressive yearling, at bargain basement auction price. Unknown trainer gets unimpressive yearling and make him the first undefeated TC winner in history.
Horse almost dies between 3 and 4 year old season, makes impressive comeback.

LOTS of material there.

I’m really looking forward to seeing Secretariat and the John Henry movie. Seabiscuit was okay but too “adjusted” for the screen; why tamper with a story that is fantastic on its own? [/QUOTE]

Can I say I agree with you about Seabiscuit? It drove me CRAZY that they felt they had to Hollywoodize little War Admiral and grow him into an 18-hand giant, for one!

I may be in the minority, but I thought Seabiscuit was perfectly done.

Stymie and Canonero

Oh, c’mon on! How to pick??? I love the stories of the little guy/underdog and there have been plenty of those! I would be interested in the story of a successful campaign from a horse that isn’t a champion, but has a history that begs scrutiny.

For example, and I’m being completely locally biased here, there is the 2009 (2008?) broodmare of the year in New York, Twice Forbidden, who was completely average on the racetrack but achieved greatness as a broodmare. Her 2001 foal, Don Corleone (by Incurable Optimist) was born in humble surroundings and went on to be the winner of the 2004 New York Derby. She subsequently foaled Tin Cup Chalice, who swept the Big Apple Triple (which includes the NY Derby, also won by his brother). Sadly, he died on the local racetrack in a morning training accident.

Twice Forbidden also foaled Mr. Fantasy. Her 2009 foal is by Forest Wildcat.

I’m intrigued by her story because she was essentially a non-descript TB with a fair to middliin racetrack history. Breeding her was a crapshoot. She dropped some duds but eventually produced these highly successful racehorses.

Can I say I agree with you about Seabiscuit? It drove me CRAZY that they felt they had to Hollywoodize little War Admiral and grow him into an 18-hand giant, for one![/QUOTE]

ITA. I HATED that—the book certainly didn’t gloss over that War Admiral was a 15.3-ish bay who unlike his sire didn’t look like much. The movie also covered its ears and went LALALA about how closely bred the two were.

And I want a Man o’ War movie.

Black Gold actually WAS a movie, apparently, but the people portrayed in it were not thrilled. However, I have a feeling the real story is not as neat and pretty and glowing as their more ‘authorized’ version of the story (as written by Marguerite Henry) would have it.

Well, Jay Trump would be fabulous- read “The Will to Win”. It would make a great movie. Love story, America triumphs- lots of good stuff!

What about Carry Back? By Saggy, out of Joppy. I mean, how much more blue collar can you get? :lol:

Man o’ War for sure–my all-time favorite.

But Ruffian, the famous undefeated filly who broke down in her final race, a match race deemed the “battle of the sexes” against Kentucky Derby-winner colt Foolish Pleasure, could be an awesome movie, though a tear-jerker for sure.


Man o’ War for sure–my all-time favorite.

But Ruffian, the famous undefeated filly who broke down in her final race, a match race deemed the “battle of the sexes” against Kentucky Derby-winner colt Foolish Pleasure, could be an awesome movie, though a tear-jerker for sure.


They did a Ruffian movie a couple of years ago.

Thirding the vote for Exterminator.

While doing a little research about race horse graves this week I discovered that both he & Sun Briar were buried near the owners barn in Binghamton, NY- the barn has been razed, the area is now developed, and the graves are lost. The headstones are in a pet cemetery in Binghamton. :cry:

There are many stories like this- great horses whose graves are now unknown. Aristides, the first winner of the Derby, is also MIA. So sad.

There are so many horses with great stories. I’d go to the movies a lot more if they made more quality horse flicks.