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You’re naming the hony Honey? I kind of like that :honey_pot:.


Naw… his name is Phoenix. But I nickname everything. “Little Buddy” and “Buckaroo” are already rolling off my tongue at him.


Buckaroo sounds about right. Phoenix is too high-falutin for that face.


Am I the only one wanting to know the sale price? LOL. Congrats on the new addition, love the pic you posted!!! Please post more of your adventures together.

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Oh sorry. I made mention further up. 5k.


Congratulations!! A great price and he sounds awesome.

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I had an opposite experience- bought horse from a family whose daughter rode and showed him. She was maybe 13 and horse was her 11th birthday present. It sort of broke my heart so I offered her to come visit, ride and show him. She was sooo grateful and her mom was awesome about driving her an hour and a half. When he had his stifle issues, she ended up riding and showing my other guy for a while. She stayed with us and it was a fun time considering we’ve never had a daughter and my two stepsons are gown and moved out. Anyway, I stopped showing but I will always treasure those wonderful memories and sharing my boys with her. It may not work for everyone though! This young lady had a particularly good head on her and supportive parents.


I would suggest that the distance helped that work. :slight_smile:

Not close enough to drop in on a whim. :smirk:

Visits planned ahead and agreed on. Everyone at their best to make the most of those special days. And the long drive made this not a casual outing for the mom, so she would want to get the most out of the day for her daughter.

That is wonderful that you and they were able to make such special experiences for this girl and her family! :grin: