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What’s a fair offer?

Everything in Bluey’s post is exactly what I was thinking. So long as the legal aspects are covered, I feel like everyone involved would be tickled with this solution, including Mr. Handsome Pony.

One thing to also consider is whether there are any outstanding bills other than board: vet, farrier, etc that may come out of the woodwork and require some sort of a conversation/arrangement.


IMO, 5k is a good and more then fair offer. He is represented as 15 years old and he’s been out of regular work for sometime. Does he actually have POA papers with his foaling date? Thats something that would, maybe, bump the price up a bit. As would being in steady work more recently or having a measurement card on file with some organization.

As big a positive as the fact you have known the horse for some time is, older horses put back to work in mid teens or later don’t always come back to what they were. They start well but as the workload increases, their lifetime mileage catches up with them. Would be worth more if he had been put back in work. Also worth more if age appropriate diagnostic vet work dealing with aging joints has been initiated. Not talking PPE here, routine care.

One other thought, and no disrespect to the many honest trainers out there. Claiming to want to carry him long enough to make anything above the back bills so trainer could give that back to former owners who defaulted makes no sense. He is costing trainer more money every. single. day. Its not just back board its continuing daily care. Could be tug the strings of your heart sales technique to get this money losing horse out of their wallet…and I would not blame them too much for trying to move him faster.


There are not any papers or measurement card. BO says there’s no papers probably because he got too tall.
BO has no desire to let him up or put him back in a program. She’s got enough on her hands without legging up another horse.
Since many have asked/thought it odd to return anything over back board, I’ll elaborate.

The junior and the honey have been at the barn for many years. The BO has literally watched her grow up. It’s a tough situation which has brought this to bear, and the BO is just a kind person and believes it’s the right thing to do, especially in light of all this kid has been thru. Yes, she’s running a business first and foremost but you can’t help but feel connected and concerned for the people you’ve gotten to know so well

I spoke with the family attorney last night and laid out the situation. He said we’re all in the clear from a legal perspective and will draw up the paperwork for the sale.

Going to the barn tomorrow to make the offer.


I hope they take your offer and you get a great little horse


At first, I thought the previous owner was not entitled to any profit over recovering lost board. Since it was technically abandonment by previous owner. But, now that you have explained the situation/relationship, it is up to the BO, it certainly is up to her. She is a good person and business owner.


Fingers crossed that this ideal situation for all concerned pans out. If kid is going through a hard time then knowing her little horse had a soft landing will help her, too.

$5K sounds entirely reasonable to me as a starting point.


This economy has been hitting so many families so hard, and horses are obviously a hard expense to support when things are going well. My heart goes out to the entire family.

He’s a lovely little horse, and as a short person, I’ve often benefited from cheaper leases on horses that aren’t considered “show quality” just because they happen to be 14.3.

He has a very kind face!


None of those have a problem with the OP. There is no reason for them to withhold any services. Any money they are owed is between them and the former owner. There is no conversation required with anyone.


BO knows what’s owed - fortunately it’s only the farrier and she will bring him current as well.


That’s very good to know. I was thinking along those lines since BO is trying to make sure everyone is “made right” with the potential sale.

Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly for you!


Now engaged in this story, and what a cutie…sending good luck vibes and waiting for the positive update when it comes!

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Just an expansion of your good deed is there any thought of hiring the former owner to care for the POA?

this was my then eight or nine year old daughter (helmeted kid) with two of her friends on one of our horses

Neither of the girls’ families could afford a horse so we let them hang around doing stuff, the girl in the center died about eight years after this photo, she was in a motorcycle accident. Her mother came to us asking if she could have some of this horse’s mane to put in her casket which of course we had no problem doing so. (pretty much ripped our hearts out getting this request) She said her daughter loved this horse often saying it was her only true freind. I often would find her with this horse, they might be in her stall with the girl just talking to the horse or just hanging out.


Ugh. What a difficult story.
Not really wanting to hire the kid - but I’ll leave it open to her to visit and ride him on occasion.

Going to handle legging him up and a refresher course myself and see if my own kids take to riding more often. I’m divorced and only have my kids 1/2 of the time, and while my guy is wonderful, it’s difficult for them to handle and saddle my 17.2hh Belgian X, and they can’t make a lot of progress riding every other week, at best. This horse will give them something they can trail ride and take some lessons on. If they aren’t interested in more than that, there’s a slew of lesson kids I could half lease him out to. I plan I at least trying him in some low Hunter stuff myself this summer. He’s sturdy and I’m not too big and look fine on him. Will see where it goes!

Gotta get the sale done first though!


Very glad to read that things are moving along.

A general remark, more or less about this situation – If a good buyer comes along with a moderate price, sometimes the best move is to take it gladly and get a horse off the bill. Holding out waiting for more money means maybe another month or two of board and upkeep … and that could well eat up the difference in price. And the always-present risk of injury or illness.

And, in this case, with this buyer, the horse goes from being a cost center to a revenue center. :slight_smile: The BO is not only relieved of his costs, but now she’ll be getting board for him.

Re the former owner – from a distance it does sound like a sad situation. But sometimes a horse doesn’t fit any more and it is time to move on. It may have been a rough transition, but they were relieved of the cost and responsibility and the horse has been in good hands, and will continue to be. They can move forward in other directions – that’s not all bad. Might be good in the end - of course we con’t know.

Big win all around, it seems to me. And this cute horse may be the biggest winner of all. :grin:


After many decades almost always boarding in bigger barns seen almost everything. Would advise against involving former teen owner in horse’s regular routine. Too much chance of stirring up grief and maybe resentment over being forced to give up her horse. Maybe kid and parents don’t even want to dig memories of that unpleasant experience back up. Best to move on.

Occasional visit, sure, participating in regular routine, nope. Especially since OPs kids will be using horse.


That was two days ago….and ???


Having the attorney draw up the paperwork now.
Official date will be 4/1 as I’m leaving town tomorrow…but everything looks wonderful.


Meaning you bought the horse, your offer was accepted? :thinking:

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I am having the family-friend-attorney do the Bill of Sale just to CYA. Normally I’d just write my own up.

Getting out of the snow for a bit…and then when I come home…. HONEY.


:sunglasses: :heart_eyes: :hugs:

Such a wonderful outcome. :innocent:

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