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What’s everyone’s favorite camera?

Just looking for everybody’s opinion on some cameras that are $500 and below that are good for taking pics of people riding? I’m not a professional, I’d just be taking pics of some of the people i ride with at my barn! Just prefer one that wouldn’t turn the pics blurry when the rider is cantering or jumping

Depends on whether you want a viewfinder or just a LCD (which i can rarely see in the sun). A viewfinder might make for a bigger camera.

The Oly TG6 is waterproof and rugged – might be a good one for a barn. It takes great photos. And comes in red, so if you set it down or lose it, you might find it again

I would prefer one with a viewfinder. I was looking at a Nikon D750 on eBay, does that one take good photos? I’m also open to canons

Used? have them disclose the shutter count as the body maintains a record of use

Yes I would buy it used if I can’t find a deal for a new one. I’m totally a newbie when it comes to cameras, so what would be a bad shutter count?

have no idea but I saw a used on with a shutter count of 1/4 million which kind of made me say What?