What saddle is this

I’m getting a nice monoflap saddle for the time being while I restart my ottb. Problem is I recognize the logo on the saddle but have no idea what the saddle brand is and I’m curious if anyone might know? If the photos don’t come through the logo appears to be a T in the middle with horseshoes interlocking to make a start shape around the T. Thanks for any help!

It was supposedly made in england

I don’t know, but this logo (minus the T) is coincidentally my tattoo. :smile:


I’m assuming the original owner doesn’t know either? haha

Maybe try contacting a saddle fitter and just telling them you’re looking for more info and show them the nailhead. I would hope/think they wouldn’t charge for such a quick thing as giving you a brand name.

I have never seen it, but my knowledge of saddles is just starting to expand outside of the more common brands.

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That’s funny! I originally thought it was just a star till I looked closer🤣 it’s quite cute

is there no other stamping on the saddle ?
under the flap on the pommel, no plate?
etching on the stirrup bars
on the inside flaps.

Sadly no just that. The old owner has no idea what brand either

Maybe try on the eventing forum. Mono flaps with external blocks seem more like the features of a cross country saddle

Google image search comes up with this

Devoucoux Chiberta monoflap jump saddle black 17".

So maybe a knock off of one, since the devoucoux’s all seem well stamped. This was on eBay.