When the BB changed servers in March 2006, everyone was required to reset their passwords because they could not be imported into the new system. If you have not logged in since March 2006, YOU MUST reset your password, as your old one will not work.
If you’ve forgotten your password, or it isn’t working for any other reason, you will also need to reset it.
First, go to this link:
Enter your email address, and you should get an email titled “Your login details for Chronicle Forums” which reads:
Dear [username],
You have requested to reset your password on Chronicle Forums because you have forgotten your password. If you did not request this, please ignore it. It will expire and become useless in 24 hours time.
To reset your password, please visit the following page:
When you visit that page, your password will be reset, and the new password will be emailed to you.
Your username is: [username]
To edit your profile, go to this page:
All the best,
Chronicle Forums
If you get an error message that says:
The address that you have used to request a new password is not valid. Please request a new address be sent to you by using this form.
… then go ahead and click the link and request a new link/address and try again.
When the process is successful, you will see this message in your browser:
Your password has now been reset and emailed to you. Please check your email to find your new password. To change your password, please use this form.
When you see that message, that means that a SECOND email is on its way to you with a new temporary password. You cannot log in with your old password, and you cannot change your password. You MUST check your email again for the second message, which is titled “Your new password for Chronicle Forums” and reads as follows:
Dear [username],
As you requested, your password has now been reset. Your new details are as follows:
Username: [username]
Password: 12345678
To change your password, please visit this page: http://www.chronicleforums.com/Forum/profile.php?do=editpassword
All the best,
Chronicle Forums
With THAT PASSWORD, you should be able to log in. You can click on the link in the email, log in, and then change your password. Or you can just go straight to the BB and log in… but you MUST use the temporary numerical password. Not your old password or a new password that you made up. You MUST use the numerical password to get logged in the first time. Once you’re in, you can change your password if you wish.
IMPORTANT! If the password doesn’t work, please try hand-typing it rather than copy/pasting it. The password is 8 characters, numbers only.
If you get an error message that your email address is unrecognized, that means there is no username in the membership database associated with that email address. Please try any other email addresses you think you might have used.
If you cannot recall what email address you used to register, OR if you no longer have access to that email address, then fill out this help request form:
If you do not get any emails at all when trying to use the password reset form (NOT the help request form), check your spam/bulk email folder or try turning off your spam filter.