What to do now?

I havent been here for five months. As Ive said before, for the last thirty one yrs, I have suffered horribly with my spine. I have herniated discs, severe stenosis, degenerative disc disease, degenerative joint disease, and now they say severe arthritis as well. It took 23 yrs for this to be diagnosed during which time I repeatedly went to the ER with each onset. I was sent away being told I was everything from a drug seeker to a hypochondriac(sp). When finally diagnosed by two separate specialists I was told there was nothing they could do. My condition would not likely be improved by surgery. I was put on several narcotic meds, one after the other. Morphine, fentanyl, oxycontin etc until they finally tried Methadone and it was that that proved to be the one which helped.

Last summer, eight yrs later, the meds were not working as they always have. My pain had increased and things “felt different in there.” Made an appt with one of the specialists I had seen before. Did more MRI’s. SAid now that I have waited this long…wait a minute- ‘I’ have waited? Ive been told there was nothing to be done. So they speak of this huge surgery they want to do but would rather not because of other conditions I have such as diabetes and then the smaller procedure they would rather do. I leave to go home and mull it all over.

We were right in teh middle of an unexpected move with no outside help but ourselves to do it all. I have thousands of perrenials and other shrubbery. The house and 20 acres we found to lease was conveniently just about 3/4 of a mile up the road. I can’t stand to ride in a car, just way too painful but I worked away at the move every day. I moved load after load of plants to the new place with my wheelbarrow. Days on end I either dug new beds or moved plants. We also had to redo all the walls in teh new house and two floors. Rent is only $600 a month but up here to find a place like this is generally requires a lot of work on our part to get into it. When you have a passle of animals no one wants you. I scrubbed and then painted each room. My SO worked away nights after work until 1am each morning on the stuff I could not do alone.

Well, apparantly it was all too much for me. I did the same thing just two yrs ago to move into the place we were in but my spine must have gone downhill quite a bit because I did not get away so easy this time. It was on Oct 24th and I was doing a big no-no by carrying a reel of wire across the woods to the other side as we were building horse fence. There were no horse accomodations here either. But I am finally getting a real barn again so that is a real plus. Anyway, the next morning I woke with the type of twinge that usually signifies an oncoming spell. I took my 3yr old GD for a walk in the woods and a picnic that day and it never got any worse. BUT. The next morning I awoke to the worst sciatic pain I have ever felt and I have dealt with plenty of it over the yrs I can assure you. My right foot that is always numb had NO feeling and it pointed downward and I could not pull it up AT ALL. IT just remained pointed. Now this next part makes no sense the doctors say but… I also had both hands numb and one , the right one, I had no control over. I went to pour my morning meds into my right hand and they fell right through. My third and fourth fingers no longer met. I coudl not fan my fingers out and move them back and forth anymore. I could not write. I could not type. Thread a needle? No way. I know that the nerves to your hands have naught to do with your lumbar region and the doctors seemed to just pass this off. Damn them. Why cant something be real just because they cant find a reason for it?

The pain from the sciatic for the first five days I could relieve a tiny bit by standing facing my recliner. I would put my hands on teh arms, swing my hip to the right and then put my right leg way behind my left. This would make it let up enough that I could stand it but it was still very hard. The third night I fell to sleep and fell which sucked. AFter five days this bit of relief left and I thought I would lose my mind. The pain was incredible, just indescribable. And this is from someone who had four c sections and an old fashioned gall bladder surgery with no pain meds. I stood out on the porch most of hte night so I did nt wake anyone else. There were times when I could not help but to holler out in pain, I just couldn’t. I had an appt coming up in two more weeks with the specialist. Ive had plenty of these spells in the past which were almost as painful and I was always given pred and told to wait it out. So I did.

I showed up at my appt on Nov 14. SEvere pain. They could not believe that this is how I had been feeling since Oct 26th. My blood pressure was off the charts they said and my pulse was 124. They admitted me to the hospital immediately through the ER. Made arrangements to operate the next day. Next day comes and they dont have the time to do it. Same as next day. Meanwhile they are giving me all sorts of stuff for pain and nothing helps. Wonder why? They are giving someone who had been on tons of narcotics for yrs and yrs, 4mg of morphine. My daughter was given more than that after her csection this fall. AT one point, when I was switched tot he methadone, I was taking 600mg of morphine a day, not IV though. Still 4mg IV is nothing for someone like me who takes 160mg of methadone each day. They mention what an incredibly high dose of that I am on but then give me nothing that helps. My Primary doctor who is a pain med specialist had a long talk with them about dosing patients on high doses of pain meds to beginwith. He said there was no reason for me to have stood near my bed hanging on the rails for three days at all.

So they do the surgery to get the discs off the nerve. Take out other disc splinters here and there. I go home right from the recovery room. Still never nothing done about my hands. Left one is much less numb by this time, right one the same. AFter the surgery the sciatic pain was mostly gone. To this day I get a little from time to time. It is much much better. Went to appt the other day. They say my foot will now always stay pointed, that at this point there is not much hope of it coming back. It really sucks. It drags the ground which causes me to trip often and fall on occassion. Right foot feels dead. There is a bit of feeling in my toes but nowhere else. LEft foot which became VERY numb AFTER the surgery by a week is now almost back to normal. LEft hand is pretty much normal but there are days where is feels prickly. Right hand has improved a lot. I can write, type , things like that. Hard still to button things, put my hand in my pocket, use it as in trying to form it as you would if cleaning window sill corners. STill they say that it isnt possible for this to happen. They did an MRI of my cervical spine to look for a reason. They say it is a bit narrow in places but not enough to cause issue. That is some funny because in 98 I got an insurance settlement based on moderately severe changes to my cervical spine from a car accident in which we rolled over 6-9 times. I am confused. But I guess I should pay no attention to my non normal hand because " it just isn’t possible" for this to happen, especially at the same time. To wake up with all that going on which wasn’t like that when I went to bed just cant happen they say. WEll it sure is one hell of a nightmare if that is what it is. I am so very thankful it is getting better and hope it continues and stays that way. IF ever there was a winter I wish I didnt have horses to care for it has been this one. the snow up here has just been ridiculous. Ppl have been getting out themselves and digging out stop signs as the road ppl just don’t get the time between snowfalls to get it done. I am walking on a 6-7 foot snowpack to get out to the barn. Had to go through last month and string a higher wire because the fence just disappeared.

The pain in my spine has much worsened since the surgery. At the appt the other day they said this. The degree of disc degeneration and arthritis in the lumbar area is quite severe. My spine is collapsing. I have bone on bone which is causing the increased pain. They want to do this other surgery. It is only done here one day a month, the third friday, and they only do two on that day. A third surgeon comes here from elsewhere and joins the team here. I say here but it is really 60 miles from here. I am in the boonies. He said they want to open up from abdomen, take out my guts and put them in a big plastic bag beside me on teh table. Then they can easily get to my spine he said. Then they would give me back my guts, stitch me up, flip me over and make two incisions, one on each side of my spine and finish up from there. The recovery time would be 20 months, most of which I would be wearing a brace which would be constructed specifically for me. Sounds to me like there would be chances for twisted intestine. The brace rubbing on incisions on both sides of my body doesnt sound good either. The fact that I have no one to help do the things that need done is scary too. My SO works full time and often out of hte area. I could do nothing for a very long time they say. And I mean nothing. The paperwork say I cant even move clothes around unless one piece at a time and no coats or heavy sweater. They are very specific.

And the worst part is… they can tell me for sure that more sections of my spine wont need to have the same thing done as the condion of it worsens. This is not something I want to do every few yrs at all. I have not heard much good coming from these fusion surgeries and this one doesnt have good rates of success to begin with. they say there is a 60% chance of decreased pain.

Has anyone here ever had this surgery done this interbody way and has it been a success?

Sorry to be so long worded here, just wanted to update on where Ive been and what IVe been going through. I would be very interested in hearing from anyone going through this type of surgery.

Wow, what a mess. Truthfully I think you need to rehome your horses and concentrate on yourself. Forget the flowers etc and make yourself the priority. You may have to look into assisted living while you recover. I know how much that must hurt to hear but it won’t be long before you can’t care for yourself or them if you don’t do something now. Jingles!

I remember you and how incredibly brave you are.

I dont know what to say, other than that i hope you will take care of yourself, whatever that ultimately means. I dont know where you are but if you are anywhere near northern central NC please let me know so i can help you.

I don’t know anything about what you have, but I know what it’s like to be told the pain is all in your head. :no:
I’m very sorry you’re going through such hell. jingles

I am really sorry you are going through all of this!! It sounds absolutely horrible and painful. I know what it is like to be frustrated because your body won’t function properly and you can’t get things done you feel you need to do. Maybe you could hire some cheap help to help you take care of the horses? Horses are an awful lot of work especially for someone in your position. Don’t get too frustrated, though I know it is easier said than done. Give yourself some credit, you are going through a rough time and it will get better at some point even if the future looks dim right now. There is nothing you can do about your condition except take care of yourself and try and get your body fixed up and pain free as much as possible. I wish you the best of luck!!!

Sounds like you need an excellent second opinion. Research the best hospital and doctor in the northeast and go there. A Pain clinic would also help you.

Don’t jump into surgery. Stop doing all the work.


I am very sorry for your prediciment!!! I have been in your shoes so I can understand. I was in a horrible roll over truck accident in 2005. The cab of my truck caved in on my head and neck. I instantly had neck and back pain.

Long story short they never could find anything wrong in the MRI’s and CT Scan’s. My pain was out of this world. Some days I could do nothing but lay in bed and cry :cry: There was nothing that the doctors could or would do for me. They at least believed my pain but could not fix what is wrong. After about 18 months on this agony rollercoaster the specialists washed their hands of me. Everyone saying that I should never ride horses again :confused: They sent me back to my primary care doctor who worked with me to come up with a cocktail of pain medications that would allow me to live again. He had also had horses and insisted that I keep riding for my sainity sake :slight_smile:

I now take enough morphine everyday for a 350 lb. man along with other drugs. For the most part it works although I am never pain free. When I ride I take a few Vicadin to get me through it.

It is extremely hard if you don’t have help. I don’t know what I would have done without my family. We hired someone to come and take care of the horses and we hired a housekeeper for a couple years. It was a hardship but what we had to do.

My mother had fusion surgery about 20 years ago and she is 100 % pain free now at the age of 72. It was a life saver for her and ended a life of pain.

Having been where you are…if I had even a small chance of having a normal life again by having the surgery I would jump at the chance. Surgery is not something to be taken lightly but living as you are is not right…again I totally understand what it is like!!

Good luck and let us know what you decide.

Wow, what a mess. Truthfully I think you need to rehome your horses and concentrate on yourself. Forget the flowers etc and make yourself the priority. You may have to look into assisted living while you recover. I know how much that must hurt to hear but it won’t be long before you can’t care for yourself or them if you don’t do something now. Jingles![/QUOTE]

I am just now finding these replies. I just can’t get to computer stuff every day, not even every week. It seems anymore just getting the stuff I have to get done is enough.

i think maybe I wasn’t clear in the part I was looking for suggestions on, my fault. I was hoping to find someone who had undergone this type of fusion surgery. I dont feel that comfortable about having my guts laying on the table beside me. It may be the best way to get the job done but… This is the states biggest hosp. It is affliated with UVM. They do between 2-8 fusion surgeries there a day. But they only do two of this type a month. Seems like an awful lot of ppl chose the older version with the 15 inch scar over spilling their guts.

I will never rehome my horses. Echo is very very dear to me. I have owned her mom, who I bred, as well as her grandmom, who was my 11th bday gift. When I get an animal it stays.

You are likely quite right in saying that I should put myself first. I can see where that could benefit me many times. But this is just not who I am. I have never been able to put myself first. My animals come first for sure and always will. Most ppl who know me do not understand this either. It is true I live on next to nothing but my animals have EVERYTHING they need and many things that just make their lives more pleasant but not really necessary. I have vets who know me very well. I worked along side a couple of them for yrs. They all offer me credit in an instant whenever I need it and they have always been repaid each and every time. Without that I could not do it for sure. Just put $400 in my beagle this week. In my opinion once you get an animal you do what you got to do for them no matter what you have to do. Well, I don’t mean stealiing or anything like that. But I would give up an arm to save my horse if it would save her and I have no doubt of that.

You did get me thinking about my plants though. You know, I paid for each one of them at one time or another. I have moved them all three times now. I give away literal truck loads each time I move. WHY? What the hell IS wrong with me I do sometimes wonder. I give and give and give. And then I pay dearly for every damn little thing I do have. I WILL finish moving all my plants since I know that I will be in this place for a long time. But why keep giving them away each yr to keep them from overpopulating just because I like to do things for ppl. I am going to start selling some I think. I sure could use the cash. I even let the greenhouse have them for free when they call me because they’ve run out of something that someone is looking for. WHY? I was just looking in a dutchgarden mag. Hostas are $15 for one 4" pot. That being so I gave away thousands of $ of them when I moved.Same with my lillies etc. I wish sometimes I did/could put myself first a bit more and I will begin to try. It is something that my SO has been saying for 15 yrs now. Without him I would be lost now. He has been doing much of the hauling of the water this yr which runs about 40 gal a day. This has been one hell of a winter here. Got 39 inches last monday and then tuesday night it was back to -20 deg f. He shoveled for 7 hours to get through the drifted path to the barn. It is about 1500 feet and never takes that long.

Thank you for your reply. I know I do need to make changes. It will never be in getting rid of animals though. I have made the tough decision though that the next time the humane society or the vet or whoever calls wanting me to take in more unwanted/abused dobermans that I am not even going to go take a look or ask ANY questions. It will be a more of a " I just plain can’t do it anymore type of answer". Because I can’t. Taking three hundred lb dogs out to pee and then daily poop picking has been one of the hardest things for me this winter. These last two I took in were in horrid condition, so thin the vet would not even neuter for 7 weeks. Said they were so thin they would never make it though anthesthesia. My best girl I lost this winter to a severe disc issue which completely paralyzed her hind end. I layed next to her on the floor and cryed for two days and took her out with a sling and all. I had her put down, there was nothing more that we could do said the vet. I still cry about her daily. She was such a help to me. She was the most help I had. She would go get me anything that I had taught her the word for. PIck up things I constantly drop. Give me a shoulder to lean on at night on the way upstairs. IT would just figure that I would lose her. These other two are just big lovable clumps on the couch. They have not been taught to be helpful but I love them lots.

Sorry to ramble on, yet another bad trait of mine. I blame it on the fact that I have no social life and rarely speak to anyone who isnt close family. Again, thank you so much for caring.

I remember you and how incredibly brave you are.

I dont know what to say, other than that i hope you will take care of yourself, whatever that ultimately means. I dont know where you are but if you are anywhere near northern central NC please let me know so i can help you.[/QUOTE]

My oh my, what a very lovely thing to say. OFfering help. You have to be quite a wonderful person. Not even knowing me at all. You brought tears to my eyes with that one, I must say. Thank you so very much for the offer. I live far away from you though. I live in northern vermont. The Cold Hollow Mts in the Bakersfield area actually. It does make for harder horsekeeping. I sure qualify as being an ‘extreme horsekeeper’ per Equus’ Jan issue.

I am hoping to find a solution of some type to my spine issues. They say some of my issues will never be changed. CAnt stop the severe arthritis, or the severe stenosis either they say. DDD will go on as well. I would jump at this surgery in a minute if the results sounded better. They feel that the degree of degeneration my lumbar spine now exhibits will keep moving further and further up my spine. The rest of my spine is involved as well. It is not just the lumbar region, the whole entire spine is affected, just not to the degree the lumbar is as yet. So, I could be facing this huge surgery every few yrs with a new section of spine. The recovery from this surgery they tell me is two yrs. I would have to wear this brace for 20 months. If I could do the surgery once and then be all set, jeez, yah, I’d jump a tthe chance.

They called and they want to do it on the 13th of April. Well that just isnt even possible. There is no way I could do it until fall. I can’t afford outside help. My SO could ask to be layed off in the winter if he had to and then could help me as he did this time.

I have to be able to use my body this spring even if I do less. We still have lots of things to move from down the road up to this property. We are building a real barn this spring as well. REal to me anyhow. I have been using a run in for several yr now. The last barn we built the landlord claimed when we moved as the law permits. I refuse to give away anymore so we built a cute little run in and move it with us. It has moved three times now.

But having a real barn will allow me to keep them in if I want. I am not happy about maybe having to do so. I have always let my horses choose whether they want to be in or out, for 42 yrs. But I have made an agreement with myself over horse poop and snow. I really am trying to figure ways to help myself that I can deal with. Until now after a snow storm I go out and rake through/remove, whatever the situation calls for, the new snow so I can find and remove all the piles of poop beneath it. Otherwise it makes a mess for spring and manure ends up mixing in with the mud, which I just can’t stand to let happen. This does make for a lot of heavy work. If I have stalls to keep them in I can choose to keep them in during a big storm and then I wont have to dig to find poop. Much much easier. It takes away their choice of being where they want to be but I guess we must all make compromises.

Again thank so much for your kind thoughts and offer. It means a lot to me.

I don’t know anything about what you have, but I know what it’s like to be told the pain is all in your head. :no:
I’m very sorry you’re going through such hell. jingles[/QUOTE]

Thank you for the kind words. What I have is several things. I have severe spinal stenosis of the lumbar region. DDD and DJD of same area. I had three herniated discs before the surgery in Nov. And then there is severe arthritis. I have much bone on bone contact going on which is quite painful. The surgery was supposed to get rid of the pressure on teh sciatic nerve and give me back use of my foot. I would no longer have numbness either. The largest amount of sciatic pain did go away although I have suffered with it greatly this week after taking a step on the snowpacked path and going through which happens this time of yr. We have a 5-6 foot snowpack here and one wrong step this time of yr isnt so good. I still have much numbness, matter of fact I can not feel my right foot. It is like a dead glob of flesh. And the worst thign is that it only points down now. I can not pull it back up at all. So when I walk it is always hitting the ground when I think I have it up enough. It results in frequent tripping and an ocassional fall. It sucks. It is hard to put my barn boots on. My toes hit the boot bottom but I can’t feel them doing so. Generally they bend to far underneath my foot and it gets to where I can finally feel and correct it but by then much of the time I have already stretched something too far and it causes more grief. They said they can order an appliance to keep the foot bent while I am walking. Hope they order it soon.

It is the sudden loss of the use of my right hand and neck pain and left hand numbness they dont seem to believe or find an answer for. It all happened the same time. Oct 26. My hand has come back 90%. I could not write, type, nothing.

Thank you for replying. It feels good to hear kind words of caring and suggestions.





I am sorry there is such a distance between us :frowning: I would love to help you. You are in my thoughts.

I am jingling everything that you can find someone who is willing to listen to you, and work with you, to resolve your problems. So very sorry you are facing all this.

I am really sorry you are going through all of this!! It sounds absolutely horrible and painful. I know what it is like to be frustrated because your body won’t function properly and you can’t get things done you feel you need to do. Maybe you could hire some cheap help to help you take care of the horses? Horses are an awful lot of work especially for someone in your position. Don’t get too frustrated, though I know it is easier said than done. Give yourself some credit, you are going through a rough time and it will get better at some point even if the future looks dim right now. There is nothing you can do about your condition except take care of yourself and try and get your body fixed up and pain free as much as possible. I wish you the best of luck!!![/QUOTE]

thanks for the kind thoughts. I wish it was going to get better but they say it will only get worse and at some point I will end up in a chair. This is not anything new. I have had this since birth and it started affecting me in 1979. Been a long road.

[QUOTE=DressageGeek “Ribbon Ho”;5481417]
I am jingling everything that you can find someone who is willing to listen to you, and work with you, to resolve your problems. So very sorry you are facing all this.[/QUOTE]

Thank you so much.

I am sorry there is such a distance between us :frowning: I would love to help you. You are in my thoughts.[/QUOTE]

Thank you. It means a lot.

[QUOTE=Zu Zu;5479628]



Thank you. Optimism is a good thing. But something Ive never had much of. Something more to work on.

Sounds like you need an excellent second opinion. Research the best hospital and doctor in the northeast and go there. A Pain clinic would also help you.

Don’t jump into surgery. Stop doing all the work.


I am using the best hosp in my state and I have seen a specialist at Dartmouth Hitchcock. Best I can do. Our hosp is known to be pretty good. It is a teaching hosp affiliated with the university. I dont have the option of just going whereever I wish to go. I am lucky my ins even lets me choose a hosp within my state and not just pay for the closest one. My PC doc is a pain medicine specialist and runs the pain clinic so Im okay there. The new increased pain will need to be addressed soon though. I can’t get in cars hardly at all. I do no errands or anything. I don’t even get to any other medical appts right now because th eones to deal with this spine crap are all the car riding I can take. Ive been dealing with this for over 30 yrs. Surgery is not something they have ever wanted to do but theyve always said that at some point we may HAVE to and this is where we are. My whole spine is too much of a mess for them to want to do anything much with it. My first ortho appts were when I was 5 months old. My hips and feet are not right and I wore casts up to my hips until I was 2yrs old. Just born skeletely deformed I guess.

I am very sorry for your prediciment!!! I have been in your shoes so I can understand. I was in a horrible roll over truck accident in 2005. The cab of my truck caved in on my head and neck. I instantly had neck and back pain.

Long story short they never could find anything wrong in the MRI’s and CT Scan’s. My pain was out of this world. Some days I could do nothing but lay in bed and cry :cry: There was nothing that the doctors could or would do for me. They at least believed my pain but could not fix what is wrong. After about 18 months on this agony rollercoaster the specialists washed their hands of me. Everyone saying that I should never ride horses again :confused: They sent me back to my primary care doctor who worked with me to come up with a cocktail of pain medications that would allow me to live again. He had also had horses and insisted that I keep riding for my sainity sake :slight_smile:

I now take enough morphine everyday for a 350 lb. man along with other drugs. For the most part it works although I am never pain free. When I ride I take a few Vicadin to get me through it.

It is extremely hard if you don’t have help. I don’t know what I would have done without my family. We hired someone to come and take care of the horses and we hired a housekeeper for a couple years. It was a hardship but what we had to do.

My mother had fusion surgery about 20 years ago and she is 100 % pain free now at the age of 72. It was a life saver for her and ended a life of pain.

Having been where you are…if I had even a small chance of having a normal life again by having the surgery I would jump at the chance. Surgery is not something to be taken lightly but living as you are is not right…again I totally understand what it is like!!

Good luck and let us know what you decide.[/QUOTE]

I am sorry to hear you also live in pain. It is no fun, is it? Im really glad fusion surgery worked out for your mom. It was in 1979 they first said they could not operate on me and have kept saying the same all along. But have made it clear that the point would likely come where they would have no choice but to.

I was told not to ride too back in 95, the yr my present mare was born. And I didn’t. Then two, three yrs ago it came to me that not riding was the only thing they said I could not do, that I wasnt’ doing. I was still mopping, lugging etc. I decided that I was not going to mop my way into any wheelchair, that if I was going to eventually end up there, I would ride my way there. I got out my mare and saddled her up just like I would if I did every day. I had worked doing things with her her whole life just not riding. I had even sat on her a number of times as well as leading my grandkids around on her. I asked my SO to walk along with me and off we went. I have been riding her whenever I feel up to it since then. Probably ten times that yr. Many more times the next season but then only twice last yr. I will what I can this yr too.

Morphine has never been very effective for me. I am now on methadone, and oxcodone 15mg ir. I was on 600mg of morphine a day when switched to the methadone and it was doing absolutely nothing for me, nothing. Just not a drug that works well for me. Fentanyl makes my heart race and gives me a feeling of detachment. Vicodin as you know is hydrocodone. That works okay in large doses but not as effective for me as the oxycodone, and nothing beats the methadone. I take 16, 10mg tab a day of that. And then I take 45mg of oxycodone IR when I need it as well. This is the kind without the tylenol, you know. Where a regular percocet would contain 5mg oxycodone and 325mg tylenol. So I take the equivalent of 9 percs but with no tylenol.

Hiring someone would be nice. Sometimes I do in the summer hire a farm kid to help me pound posts and dig gardens by hand because that bothers me now and we dont have equipment to work with. Everything is done by hand here. I’d love one of those Gator things. Sick of lugging hay and water over 1000 feet. But you work with what youve got you know. I get by. But hiring someone on a daily basis is not an option for us.

I sure hope things can improve for you. I hate to think of ppl in pain. But some of the bravery ive read in this forum is just mind boggling. That one lady is absolutely incredible, my gods, is she one strong lady. So very admirable.

Waning Moon, how are you doing? Thinking of you!