After 58 years, I am changing disciplines from English (you name it, I rode it), to Western–specifically Ranch Horse --been at it about a year now starting from knowing nothing.
A friend and former instructor (during my Dressage phase) asked if I would come to a clinic at her facility March 8 with a clinician who teaches reining and Ranch Horse Trail. At first I demurred, explaining that I found clinics in the past not worth the time/money as I generally fell in the middle --not the best rider and not the worst; therefore, had little attention from the clinician who used the best rider for an example, and then focused the clinic on the worst rider(s).
My friend assured me that this clinic would be only 5 riders and would include reining and Ranch Trail. She said I would not feel overlooked.
And it is indoor. Andi it is a heated arena.
Presently Bob and I work with a very, very good western trainer --I’m not letting her know that I am going to this clinic --I won’t lie about it, but not putting it out there either. Current trainer has suggested that I not do reining yet --but focus my attention on Horsemanship Patterns and Ranch Horse Patters --and my favorite Ranch Trail. I also work with her and my horse Bob for in-hand showmanship. My current trainer is an award winning reining rider at the national level. I have been working with her a year and honestly, if she suggests not doing reining yet, she has a good reason. A year ago Bob and I couldn’t trot around the ring or get a correct lead --now we are 100% consistent on leads and transitions [and ground tieing, squaring up, roping, standing still --cow work has been started, but need better weather to continue] –
I’m patient --but . . .friend offering the reining clinic is only 15 miles away and lets me use her indoor for free if I haul over. She is pushing me to try Western Dressage (friend is a silver medalist in traditional dressage, but I am sick of circles).
So sage western riders, what should I expect at this clinic?
Pix of Bob