What to expect at my first reining clinic . .

After 58 years, I am changing disciplines from English (you name it, I rode it), to Western–specifically Ranch Horse --been at it about a year now starting from knowing nothing.

A friend and former instructor (during my Dressage phase) asked if I would come to a clinic at her facility March 8 with a clinician who teaches reining and Ranch Horse Trail. At first I demurred, explaining that I found clinics in the past not worth the time/money as I generally fell in the middle --not the best rider and not the worst; therefore, had little attention from the clinician who used the best rider for an example, and then focused the clinic on the worst rider(s).

My friend assured me that this clinic would be only 5 riders and would include reining and Ranch Trail. She said I would not feel overlooked.

And it is indoor. Andi it is a heated arena.

Presently Bob and I work with a very, very good western trainer --I’m not letting her know that I am going to this clinic --I won’t lie about it, but not putting it out there either. Current trainer has suggested that I not do reining yet --but focus my attention on Horsemanship Patterns and Ranch Horse Patters --and my favorite Ranch Trail. I also work with her and my horse Bob for in-hand showmanship. My current trainer is an award winning reining rider at the national level. I have been working with her a year and honestly, if she suggests not doing reining yet, she has a good reason. A year ago Bob and I couldn’t trot around the ring or get a correct lead --now we are 100% consistent on leads and transitions [and ground tieing, squaring up, roping, standing still --cow work has been started, but need better weather to continue] –

I’m patient --but . . .friend offering the reining clinic is only 15 miles away and lets me use her indoor for free if I haul over. She is pushing me to try Western Dressage (friend is a silver medalist in traditional dressage, but I am sick of circles).

So sage western riders, what should I expect at this clinic?

Pix of Bob


I don’t have any good information to give you unfortunately, I’ve never had a horse that I reined on other than for :poop: and giggles at the local club shows. I’d suggest you go and soak up as much information as you can, especially the Ranch Trail.


I have no input about dealing with current trainer and possibly wanting to ride at the clinic despite the advice of not worrying about reining at this point.

But I will say this-
If you know of the trainer/clinician, does their riding and training style align with what you are currently learning? If not, will it only confuse you and Bob?
I’ve ridden with trainers that had great success but their style was confusing. I’ve sent horses to said trainers only to “re-train” them when they came home so I could get them rode. Their style just didn’t click for me.

It sounds like a small group, so this may not be an issue. (I’m guessing you’ve dealt with this at past clinics?)-
Some clinics are more of a big ass-kissing fest to the trainer and a competition on who has the better horse and not really about taking the time to help those that could truly benefit from instruction. It’s a waste of time and money. Even for those asking if the clinic was amateur/colt friendly, only to be met with discontent from other participants and the trainer.

Something else to consider since you’re focused on ranch classes which are closer to the reined cow horse style dry work/reining patterns. There is a difference in style and a rollback is not used at all.
If you decide to go I’d make sure it’s known how you’re focused so that really forward movement isn’t needed. It’s hard enough to maintain a spin and a turn on a cow which is different.

But at the end of the day, if you have fun and learn things to help you and your horse get more broke, go do it. Take the things that’ll help and leave the things that don’t.
Some of those things, depending on trainer can help your cow work.
I’m fortunate enough to work for a trainer that makes really broke cutting horses. A lot of people say cutters never get their horses broke. I’d put his horses up against a lot of the RCH trainers.
You can do almost anything with a broke, supple, willing minded horse who enjoys his job.

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Since there are only 5 riders (I’m assuming that means you + 4 others) there should be plenty of opportunity for each participant to work on, or finesse, what they need.

When I’ve done a ranch clinic that included reining, we all had the same pattern. We each rode it and got feedback, and then chose one or two specifics to work on. What has seemed to work best is when everyone concentrates on one or two skills as a part of the whole pattern.

For example, as a group you may focus on transitions. Or making the loops of your pattern symmetrical. Or finessing a 360: ensuring it’s crisp and correct without actually “spinning.”

You’re an excellent horsewoman. Go with your talent and your inquisitive mind and you’ll have a blast!

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This confuses me.
Why would your current trainer EXCLUDE reining?
Basics, are basics, are basics. You need to learn a simple lead departure for a ranch horse pattern, as you do to start your reining pattern. You need to do a nice turn on the haunches during a ranch horse pattern, which is the beginning to a spin for a reining pattern. You should have a nice soft stop for ranch horse patterns, which is the starting point for a reining stop.

I don’t really see how these are mutually exclusive??? The fundamentals for both are the same!!! I mean, there’s even ranch reining.

Anyway, I guess that’s for you to navigate! (doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me)

But yes please go enjoy this clinic! If you trainer gets mad about it, well, tough! (Your horse; your choice.)

I really depends on the clinician. I’ve been to a few different reining clinics and of course they all have different styles. And it depends how much time you have for the clinic. I did a 3-day clinic last fall and I swear it wasn’t long enough, we were learning so much great stuff! And I’ve taken 2 hours private lessons. Obviously, the content covered will be vastly different in each situation.

So go with an open mind and questions and have fun!


@beau159 -great question --I will ask primary trainer next time I see her. I don’t know that I made it clear what a hot mess I was a year ago when I started working with her. I’m 73. My #1 horse had been dealing with a progressively worsening arthritic knee for 3 years. I’d had him to three vets, including an orthopedic veterinary specialist. All agreed --nothing I did caused it, and nothing I could do would make it worse. As long as he was moving well, ride him and enjoy him. then in Oct. of 2022, he was excused from a competition for lameness. The only horse left in my barn was a then 26 year old sound QH. I finished my hunt season on him, and decided that that was probably the end of my fox hunting mounted archery endeavors. The old horse did well enough but he was 27 the next year . . .

Then my friend send me a FB post from a mutual acquaintance in Nov. '23 for a QH that ticked all my boxes --8 years old, WTC, quiet, sound, gelding, good feet and HANCOCK bred (all my horses are).

I looked, I liked, I PPE, I bought within 48 hours. (cue Disney music).

I struggled Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb to understand this nice horse Bob (and he me). Finally when my Dressage trainer said, “Not the right horse for you,” I thought well, I will try one more thing: I called my granddaughter’s Western trainer and said, “Help!” He was judging for the next few months and referred me to his assistant: Savannah White. https://www.facebook.com/savannah.white.7545

She watched me ride Bob. We couldn’t do more than walk --at a trot he was fast, slow, fast, slow --walk, try to canter, etc. At a canter, he would duck to the middle of the ring and stop. Nothing I was doing was affecting anything. AT (assistant trainer) got on him, then said, "Let me have him for two weeks. First week, I’ll see what’s up. Second week you come for seven consecutive days and we’ll get you going.

After those two weeks, we started to build a relationship. There were set backs and there are still things to work on --I never ride Bob off my property alone. (I did all my other horses --trust issue).

After two months, at AT’s suggestion, I took Bob to a cow horse three day training secession. He works cows well.

At that point, after chatting with the cow coach, the assistant trainer, and my own head, I decided to give up English riding (fox hunting) after 58 years and concentrate on Ranch Horse.

I have had to relearn so much from how I sit, hold my hands, cues, expectations, and the endless vocabulary!

And I’ve had so much FUN --honestly @beau159, when #1 horse blew his knee for the last time, I figured I was done after my old hunter ended his career. Now, I’m BACK --back to riding every day, back to lessons, back to planning to show Ranch Horse in May (One show, one class --aim small, miss small).

My trainer is systematic (I love that!) we never move on to one aspect, before we’ve mastered another. Last lesson, yesterday, I was able to put it all together and ride ONE horsemanship pattern well.

Honestly, if I had to, I could ride a reining pattern with what I can do now --but could I do it smoothly and well? Baby steps . . .we will master horsemanship (remember, I’m learning too) and then Ranchmanship (a bit more complicated), and THEN Reining.

Meanwhile, I’ve conquered all the trail obstacles, and my in-hand work is getting there quickly (hard to trot Bob in hand on two artificial knees and one artificial hip --but he does trot and I stagger along).

Most of all --I’m loving riding again, and all the stuff that goes along with it!!!

Reining will come --so will cow work. But no hurry. I’m enjoying the process.

My opinion is to go to any and all you can go, any discipline.
Learning more is not going to make you worse, now practicing badly could, possibly your trainers concern, but you are only going for a clinic, not several lessons.

You can’t ever experience enough, some to learn from, some to learn that you don’t want that.
Clinics are perfect for that.
On principle, the more you learn, the better you will be able to continue learning.

So happy for you that you found pleasure again and are so deep into learning, wonderful way to keep on keeping on, keep it up! :hugs:


That alone is enough justification.

But I think your current trainer is afraid you are not ready to do full out, full pattern, full stop REINING which I very much doubt is going to happen. There is Reining and there is REINING just like there is Dressage and zeee DRESSAAGE. And as Dressage is basic for almost everything, Reining and Trail share most basic skills.

I would trust you to know the difference between the two and not over ask of Bob or yourself. However she really does not need to know so do not worry about it. You likely are going to just work on straightness, controlling shoulder and haunch, halt, rein back and some bits and pieces that are applicable in the Trail as well as Reining. Bob will tell you if he is not ready for something.

You can also speak up if needed but doubt it will be needed.

Take advantage of this rare opportunity. But we will need a full report…with pictures if possible.


I was just going to say this. “Little r” reining, much like “little d” dressage, is the foundation for most working western disciplines. Things start to diverge at the upper levels, but reining at the foundational level is about creating a soft, willing, adjustable horse.


Having been to many clinics, I now like to audit a clinician once before I decide whether he or she is a good fit for me and my horse.
Back in the day, when I was several decades younger and had a horse on whom I knew I could try anything without creating a setback I was less particular and would sign up for things without a clear picture of what it would be like. Occasionally without telling my instructor. Not anymore with current horse who has some quirks, as I don’t want to risk a setback. No matter who recommends the clinician and no matter how much I crave some variety come March every year :slight_smile: .
Will this clinician be coming back every few months? If so what I would recommend is that you audit instead of riding. Invite your instructor to go with you, telling her that you are thinking of making it a goal to participate in the future. If she can’t go take some video. If you like what you see, take your horse and try it yourself next time. As another step to becoming a pair who can go places and do things.

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So Savannah is your trainer? Or the trainer she works for……
If she is, she’s hardly nationally recognized (not trying to be rude. She’s won $5,000 in the show pen. If you’re referring to the trainer she works for, yes, he is very well known as a trainer and judge.

If you can do all the basics well and safely there is zero reason not to start to do some reining if you have a reining horse! Go to the clinic! Have a blast! Who is the clinician?


Savannah is my trainer. The trainer she works for is present at our lessons 80% of the time. Occasionally he works with me or makes suggestions to her for how to achieve what I need to accomplish. Frankly, to me, anyone who has won money with a horse is amazing to someone like me who has won a 50 cent ribbon maybe 4 times in my entire life.

Do I have a reining horse? Not sure --both Savannah and her boss said that Bob could have been able to do spins and slides if he had been started younger (and that means really young in the reining world, like at 2 years old). Bob wasn’t even under saddle until he was 4. That, according to them, and I believe them as they are truly experts in reining horses, means Bob will be able to a correct “spin” --slow, but legs moving properly, and a correct stop --no slide, but immediate cessation of forward movement and stand still until asked to move. That’s all Bob needs for Ranch Horse (local, not AQHA). I am told that a true fast spin, may actually be penalized in Ranch Horse because it has no application in the real ranch world --same with a long, sliding stop. What gets the points in Ranch Horse is a relaxed horse that responds correctly to cues. And that describes Bob! There is a class called “Ranch Reining” that is offered. We are looking at that for Bob’s second show of the season, where if the first classes we’ve chosen to enter: Horsemanship, Ranchmanship, Ranch Trail, Ranch Showmanship, and Confirmation go well. As it stands now, Bob will do two classes the first day, Trail the second, and two in hand classes the third. Savannah felt this was a good start. I agree --better to start slowly and build than be discouraged or worn out trying to “do it all.” In theory, Bob could do 8 shows a season --four in MI and four in IN --right now, I am hoping to go to the 4 MI shows as they are 40 min from my house and I can come home with Bob each night.

@TheHunterKid90 --I am doing this to have fun with my horse. I don’t want to win every class and go to some huge national show --I do enjoy meeting new horse people, and trying new things. I have decided that this season is my last Fox Hunting (after 58 years) and Mounted Archery is losing its appeal as the woman I travelled with for the last 5 seasons has a 2 year old child now and seems to be losing interest in local competitions . And without going into detail, the MA group in general we meet at competitions has become “different.” --I’m good with finding a greener pasture and new friends. At my age (73) taking a new horse to a new-to-me competition is about as exciting as it will ever get.

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Just take the opportunity to learn more, that is what you like, so go to the clinic, if with Bob, you will learn some, or as auditor, you will also learn some.

I think that, like for me, is the learning about/with horses that makes you happiest and that is what you do in clinics.

Don’t forget to have fun, take pictures and share.
We would love to hear what you experience, especially those of us that can’t go ourselves any more.


The people at the MI shows are very welcoming and I expect you’ll have a great time. There’s a pretty wide range of experience between the competitors, at least when I was there a few years ago.

Long_Time_Lurker --you make some good points and good suggestions, but I clearly didn’t indicate my primary reasons for attending: 1) Friend hosting the clinic is located very close --20 min. 2) her indoor is heated 3) Friend has been generous in allowing me to use her indoor this winter for free when I can get there (snow has been a factor this year). 4) The clinic is about RANCH reining and RANCH trail 5) it is cheap ($100 for a full day) 6) it is limited to 5 riders.

As much as I am doing this to possibly learn something, my MAIN reason is to support my friend and appreciate her generosity. She is very kind to me --she often says how much she admires someone my age (ok she doesn’t say that exactly) who has been riding English for 58 years trying a new discipline with a new horse.

If I learn absolutely nothing, there will still be benefits Bob will get off the farm and see brand new-to-him trail obstacles. I will have a fun day hanging out with horse people (I live on an isolated farm, and DH still works --I pretty much see no one unless I go off my property and in the winter, I only go out for my lessons with primary trainer or to use Friend’s indoor ring.

My question was more looking to know what to expect RE how is a reining clinic run? After watching a lifetime of dressage and CC and stadium clinics (my kids all rode 3-Day), I knew what would happen at those --usually broken into groups based on ability, flat work, low fences (if jumping), some individual suggestions to participants --etc.

My arena owning friend is (I think) considering a move herself into Western --or at least Western Dressage. She is a silver medalist in regular dressage, but picked up a more Western style horse at an auction last year --that and me jumping off the English ship, has, I think moved her to consider the change --and like me, she likes to move slowly —

If I adore the clinician, I could always switch trainers --but not likely --the primary trainer I have is fabulous --I do feel a bit guilty about this clinic, but she’s left for Jamaica during the time I’m taking the clinic so I wouldn’t have a lesson that week anyway.

I appreciate your thoughts!


@ I am excited about showing in MI --many have said what a nice group the Ranch Horse people are . . .hope to make some new friends!

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You make a great point that “learning about/with horses makes you happiest,” --that’s so true! I used to be an avid SCUBA diver and was always disappointed a bit that it was a sport that didn’t allow for horses! I stopped SCUBA diving about 10 years ago when two divers my age died while diving --they were both just diving for fun on va-ca —SCUBA is a sport where some things are just not known due to the limited number of people who dive, and the predominance of research based on young men (Navy divers). What is a small negative effect on a twenty year old physically fit young man, may be a huge negative effect on a 60 year old woman --no one knows --just not a lot of research done. The woman I knew who died while diving, was 60 --and a good diver --like me, just dove on va-ca once or twice a year. She surfaced and died. The man I knew (older) and dove with, was former Navy, but well into his 60s --again, just died after a moderate dive. So I kept my diving stuff for awhile, then realized I didn’t want to stand up on a moving boat with 50 pounds of equipment on two knee replacements, a hip replacement, and two rebuilt shoulders. Done. Same with fox hunting --after three members my age were hurt in the same season doing nothing more than they had always done --follow hounds and jump horses --I decided this year was my last year. I still love horses and I still want to ride, but not jump and race around after hounds any more. Older and wiser . . .