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What to wear under Kerrits Ice Fil Tech Tights

I love these breeches and really don’t want to wear a thong or go commando. I’ve tried several different “no show” brands of underwear but can still see pantylines. Has anyone found a truly no show brand of underwear to wear under these?

There is no such thing as no show underwear :slight_smile: the only thing that works is things with legs so there is no elastic over your buttocks.

You might try something like bike shorts.

While the “boy short” style is fantastic for hiding panty lines, the crotches tend to be constructed in a way that makes them painful to ride in.

You might find something seamless in a “shaper” garment with thigh length legs. There are some that arrnt really meant to shape or you could get it too large so it doesn’t actually constrict you.


I use boy short type underwear that has legs that go about 3/4 of the way down my thigh. I haven’t had any issues with the crotch with that length leg, but the shorter ones rode up horribly.

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I size up in those breeches because I don’t like how they show “everything”.

The struggle is real. I’ve recently started wearing Uwila Warrior boyshorts, the silk ones and the non-silk that are really nearly seamless. Very comfy and while true seamless is really impossible, they are nearly invisible. I care less about seams than riding up, and the silk ones especially do NOT ride up. Not cheap at $38/pair.

What I find amusing about the whole - OMG, no VPL allowed crowd is that even their thong is visible with some pants so it is not like the world suddenly thinks you are totally lacking under garments.
Wear whatever style fits your body well and if the fact that it is obvious that you are wearing something is so offensive to someone else, that is their problem.

Can you share a brand that you like, please. This sounds like an interesting option.

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As someone who has to wear quite structured and supportive bras for riding, I rely on those seams to distract from my panty seams.

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They are these Jockey brand. So far, they have been comfy for my endurance rides in both hot and cold conditions. And they have not self-destructed in the laundry (including in the dryer)!

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