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What to wear with a stock tie

I always use a shirt with a stand up collar, but have been eyeing a stock tie for my next outing (which will be in beautiful fall weather I hope).

What show shirt do you wear with a stock tie? Are the shirts with the integrated collars okay?

I just don’t want to be eliminated for my outfit :sweat_smile:

Is it a real stock or a pre-tied one that attaches around your neck with velcro? For the pre-tied ones it doesn’t matter much what shirt you wear as you probably won’t be able to see the shirt if you’re wearing a stock and jacket.

Classically, it would be a shirt like the one below (selected from a random Google search). Plain white “ratcatcher” with long sleeves. If you have a “correct, old style” stock tie, it will have a buttonhole that attaches to the top button on the shirt so that the stock tie stays neatly centered.

But these days, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t matter as long as it’s neat and tidy.


Equestrian shirts being so expensive, I just remove the collar (takes a little sewing) from a nice white shirt, add a button to the back, and proceed as normal. Since you really don’t see much ,if any, of the shirt a colored shirt could work too.

So this style is called a ratcatcher because it has a close-fitting collar and sleeves, and when tucked into pants no rat can get inside and bite your belly?

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Good guess - I had to look it up and I found this:


Ha~! (it was the only thing that made sense)

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Any shirt. Does not have to have a collar and in fact sometimes turning a collar up just makes too much bulk under the stock tie.
That said if you plan on removing the jacket and tie for an afternoon test if jackets are waived, your shirt must have a collar and sleeves. So either plan that or carry a spare shirt. ( no loud patterns including on the mesh venting areas).


Stocks can hide a multitude of sins, I use a show shirt with American collar in the summer and swap to a white base layer in the winter, neither can be seen under stock and jacket.

You should realize that if you ride without a jacket you must also take off your stock tie. Silly, I know, but its a rule.

It isn’t silly The reasoning is that if it’s hot enough to waive jackets, it’s too hot to have neckwear tied around your throat, or even a buttoned up collar.

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there is no rule regarding opening the collar. BUt yes remove tie.

My mistake. I believe that used to be a rule, but isn’t any more.

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