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What you wish you had known?

Ok first time breeder here, super excited. Mare is due in July. So I’m trying to absorb all the information I can but what do you with you had known or what mistakes did you make that you’d never do again?

(mare is KWPN and bred to Sir Sinclair)

I am 4 years into breeding, so still in “preschool” as far as breeders go.

but here we go:

  1. from experience, things I wish I had known Is make sure you give an enigma right after birth, we almost assumed a foal was a dummy foal, but was really very constipated!

  2. I never thought it would happen to me, as I had 2 fabulous mares. But year 3 of breeding I lost our best mare right after birth. it was a horrible experience, and we were lucky to have an amazing vet, but was truly the most awful thing to go through. it is very true-if you cannot bare to be without your mare, do not risk breeding her.

  3. Have a decent in savings for emergencies after birth, never assume things will go textbook every time.

  4. Trust your gut! I have listened to others, listened to trainers as far as what bloodlines would be best to pair with my mares-but always listen to your gut. if you have the chance, really ride your mares, lesson with them to REALLY find their strengths and weaknesses. THATS when you know who to best par your mare with. I have listened to so many trainers…but most trainers will say “oh I rode XYZ bloodlines and they’re horrible” etc… sometimes true, sometimes it was 1 experience, and as a breeder you always have to know there is the mare involved, not just the sire side.