What's wrong with this Picture????

I already have trouble sleeping… now I’m all sorts of creeped out. I didn’t have the speakers working the first time, it’s a lot scarier with the sound on.

A women needs two animals: the horse of her dreams and a jackass to pay for it!

Am I the only one that didn’t find it scary at all?

.:Erin B #2:.
“So make the best of this task and don’t ask why,
It’s not a question but a lesson learned in time,
It’s something unpredictable but in the end it’s right,
I hope you have the time of your life.”

I have to say, Trading Spaces is MY FAVORITE SHOW!!!


House hunting on Long Island…we’re looking at cardboard boxes…since that’s all we can afford in a nice area…:slight_smile:

I don’t hear anything


At first my answer was going to be, “This person does not own horses.”

No tack catalogs strewn over every flat surface, no bridle hanging from the back of the chair, no layer of dust, you can see through the windows…etc, etc, etc.

Then the horror of it all…cute!

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

my friend sent my this, and I opened it at 10.15 at night. I have to say I immediatly emailed her back and told her in no uncertain terms that it was not funny. I think having THIS particular thread on the horse board is not productive. I agree with Kryswyn.

The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

Where are all the horses?!?!

Catherine the former bennet&bailey
~Unapproved Princess Clique~
Any one want a CHEESE WAFFIE!?!
Ridin Horses is what I love, that’s why my Dumb BAT is from heaven above!!

I just screamed SO loud! My dad sent me that before, but I was too ADD to sit around and watch it.

Hahahaha, at least now I’m awake.

  • It’s Just Me -

OMG I just FLEW out of my chair


It’s just a joke…i’ll do you all a favor and close it myself!


House hunting on Long Island…we’re looking at cardboard boxes…since that’s all we can afford in a nice area…:slight_smile:

Good grief!! That scared the living daylights out of me!! I kept flipping back and forth between the topic and the picture reading stuff about curtains (which I agree about, btw )…and then…lordy!!

Someone sent it to me this morning at work. So I’m sitting at the computer with a Krispy Kreme in one hand, coffee in the other. The volume was maxed. My coworker goes, “you have to look really close…” My lucious vanilla filled chocolate covered donut flew over my shoulder and coffee shot out my nose…

I could have killed…

HAHA you ROCK! There is another one going around, a girls bedroom, just as scary, lol I got them a few days ago…

~It’s ACTUALLY all about me, me, me, NOT about her, her, her…(the only signature worthy of a REAL DQ, not the diet version…[only one calorie, not snobby enough!])

Well I can’t find out how to do it so…


House hunting on Long Island…we’re looking at cardboard boxes…since that’s all we can afford in a nice area…:slight_smile:

Oh…I had my volume really high accidently… And I almost fell off the chair. I have the chills now. Thanks

** J e s s i c a **



visit www.victorianfarms.com

omg i was about to give up , then i got scared out of my mind by the screaming, then i didn’t close the link, and kept looking and had the bejesus scared out of me again when the face appeared!!

“I don’t patronize bunny rabbits!” -Heathers
Nothing is foolproof to a talented fool.

You can’t lock it, only moderators can do that. You can, however delete your first post which will remove the thread.

Not long ago, there was a thread WARNING people about this (or similar) email. The general concensus was people thought a warning should accompany the email. Yes, I know that might spoil the “fun”, but is it really fun for the person who receives it, spills their coffee, has to answer peoples’ questions etc?

“Always look on the bright side of life, de doo, de doo de doo de doo”

I think it would be the fact that I think that you use an APPLE instead of a windows based product. Long live King Bill and the ability to right click!


That was so crazy!!! And then it kept on!!!

Great Friday Thread!!
