What's Your Vote? Brown or Black Tack?

I just got an email from Malvern Saddlery w new dressage bridles. They have a gorgeous brown bridle w a sparky browband and a beautiful brown, patent leather noseband. I’m a hunter rider but I may have to buy it…it’s really pretty.

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photos might be nice…

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Sure?? You will get jealous :star_struck:

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I’m of the opinion that brown tack stands the test of time better and just looks sumptious as it ages.

However, I have all black tack because the black saddle is the one that fit my horse. When he’s a teen and it’s time for a custom saddle though, I will switch to brown tack. I love brown on a chestnut.

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I love brown tack and harness!! Especially on greys <3

Traditionally brown harness was your “poorer” turnout - it can only be used on country type turnouts (unpainted carts/carriages) and nothing formal. Black harness was used for coaches and your fancier turnouts such as painted carriages/carts. phaetons, gigs etc. I have always wanted brown harness but all of my carts and carriages were painted (meadowbrook cart) or is a phaeton, so turnout would be a no-no.

If you go with brown tack, traditionally your helmet, boots and gloves should be the same brown colour/shade as your tack. But thats just in a traditional sense. Of course you can do whatever you want and you won’t be dinged as there are no turnout classes for riding really anymore (I always have a turnout class or turnout points so these things matter 100% for me) :slight_smile:

You technically should never enter a formal class (such as a classic or anytime you would be wearing tails) with any brown tack, but I’m sure most judges don’t know or don’t really care anymore.

i like to dream. bring em.

Brown, for me, is b o r I n gggggggg

My personal preference is (dark) brown. That being said, my current dressage saddle for my white horse is black. I bought it used because he liked it and it was tough to find a saddle that he agreed with. My previous dressage saddles were all brown Passiers. This one is a black Ansur.

My bridle is still brown, though. Not as dark a brown as I would like, but it gets close after it gets oiled.

I have just seen too many grey butts on people walking around in white breeches to be fully on the black bandwagon.

Definitely a fan of brown tack for palominos. I noticed during my many trips to Pelham Saddlery when I was trying to fit a saddle to both Feronia and me, that the older, and usually less expensive, dressage saddles were all brown.

I ended up getting a semi-custom dark brown Black Country Celeste, which is a dressage-y trail saddle. My dressage bridle came from Jerry’s Harness, long may they be remembered. As you can see, I have really short femurs.

So this is my new pony Lola, wearing Feronia’s dark brown tack. She’s a “sooty” palomino, so black would probably look great on her. The saddle fits both her and me better. I told the trainer it would put me in a chair seat, but on Lola it does not. I think the issue with Feronia is that she has a broad flat back with a big barrel and a narrow chest, so my legs just wanted to slip forward. Lola is broader up front so that doesn’t happen.

My only concern is that the Black Country saddle is heavy. Lola is little, and I’m short but wide, so trying to reduce the load she carries would be good. But the saddle fits like it was made for her!


I’m a brown tack person all the way. A lot of this comes from ptsd from having black tack for dressage in the 90’s and it always fading unevenly into weird green or brown splotches, and god forbid we showed in the rain - it would NEVER recover. While I’m sure higher end black tack has come along way since then, I simply can’t go back. I love the burnish that fine brown leather gets over time. Black tack just looks too ‘harsh’ for me now.


I love your new pony! What is her breed?

She is another Morgan! Apparently I have a type… There is a whole thread about her in Off Course.


Oh, do you have a photo? I have a lovely brown bridle, but only my black dressage saddle. Maybe I can get away with that in the show ring after all?? Super low level.


Color-Schmolor! Worry less about your tack, your bling, your jacket, and worry more about how correctly you ride, and how happy your horse is!!


Sorry I don’t have a picture. But nobody notices the difference in tack color. As long as the rules don’t prevent it, show in brown and black! My saddle is a black Wintec and it’s not black black. My stirrup leathers are brown but dark enough to match the saddle. My bridle is brown and it’s far enough away from the saddle. Plus it has a subtle bling browband and my mare’s face is so pretty that’s all you notice. (Proud owner bragging rights)


Haha, I already worry about that a lot. Found a new coach and realize I’m way more shit then I thought. :smiley:

I bought this beautiful bridle 5 years ago on impulse and never use for reasons unknown. Always using my cheap black used bridle because it’s black. I pulled it out the other day and oiled it - it fits so nicely. It’s kind of exciting to think about something other then how I can’t actually ride.

(I’m being facetious, but there is truth in there!)