I adore my 4Star horse trailer, but the wheel simulators have become loose and two have fallen off. Which now my trailer looks like it belongs in a junk yard just with these missing pieces.
I was looking at Wheel Simulators, which is what I already have on my trailer, but they are an absurd amount of money. $300+ to Canada. I have reached out to local horse trailer dealerships, but they just don’t respond.
So I am looking at Hub Caps/Wheel Covers, aka your typical hub cap for a car to put on my trailer. But I’m worried they’re just going to look ridiculous.
What do you have on your tires/rims/hub caps/wheel simulators?
I don’t want it to look stupid, I like how the wheel simulators are the chrome and cover the whole steel rim and make it look less rusty/rough. The trailer is too pretty to have something ugly on it.
https://www.amazon.com/Phoenix-USA-GQST60-Trailer-Simulator/dp/B007NES3U0 (Image of Wheel Simulator)