I found this cut this morning. It’s not very big and is about 2-3mm deep. It obviously bled when it happened but wasn’t bleeding when I first found it this morning. Sniped away some hair, cleaned with betadine and applied antibiotic ointment. I also pour her blanket on to help it stay a bit cleaner.
Just checked it again and there was a bit more blood, but again, isn’t actively bleeding. I cleaned and applied again.
I don’t think I can bandage there and it’s constantly moving when she walks.
Is this a stitch is no stitch situation? I’m currently unable to haul to the vet for a few more hours until my husband’s is home with the truck.
I have very little experience with wounds. Any advice would be appreciated. Here are a couple pics.
This is something I would suture, based on these pics.
Reasons I wouldn’t suture would be if I didn’t catch it early enough and the margins started to dry (doesn’t look like you’re there yet) or if the location was such that there would be a lot of tension on the suture line and they’d be unlikely to hold (where exactly is this? It doesn’t look high tension in these pics but tough to tell.)
Can you at least send these pics to your vet for her opinion?
I could be wrong but I think since you’ve applied an antibiotic ointment, it can’t be stitched.
I wouldn’t be looking to get that stitched. I think it will heal up fine without stitches. It’s not gaping open. And it’s not that deep. Of course, you will watch it and re assess as necessary. It may leave a slight mark/scar, but if that’s OK with you, it won’t bother the horse. Tetanus vaccine up to date?
This is on her left elbow. Here’s another Pic.
I don’t know what time this happened but it was last night. I must be getting close to 24 hours.
Yes, she’s fully up to date.
I’m going to give her some bute right away
when I check it again She’s not showing any obvious discomfort but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. She doesn’t like me cleaning it but she’s very calm and accepting so I’m thankful for that. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for the feedback. It’s much appreciated.
Once you apply ointment it’s a b:$&@ to suture if they even can.
I would have had the vet out for stitches with that injury plus a tetanus booster. Mainly cause my horse is prone to swell with injuries like that and cellulitis is a pita.
def show photo to vet. she may want to start oral antibiotics since it is over a joint. I would have sutured it also but we have a ton of vets nearby and it’s easy to get them out.
Ugh that’s a tough spot. I’d want the vet to at least see it, even if only via text. Let your expert weigh in.
I’d clip that and flush the crap out of it with saline, and apply ointment. That’s a bad spot for stitches.
I’d show a photo to a vet to make sure they’re confident there’s no foreign body or anything else that concerns them, or if they’d have a particular treatment plan in mind for continued care.
I’d def want to hear from my vet. If in a different spot, I’d be comfortable without stitches but it might have a harder time healing without them. But, if you can get the vet out, I think you’d be okay. Might be good to do Abx to be on the safe side. It wouldn’t give me anxiety though if even that doesn’t happen if you keep it clean and covered in ointment.
It’s been my experience most wounds that require stitches are found by owners 15 minutes after the clinic goes into “emergency service” hours.
If it bleeds a bit when you clean it that is okay. Aluspray is an excellent product to spray on a wound that can’t be wrapped but needs to be kept clean.
Thank you everyone. It’s been a few weeks now and she’s healed up quite well. Chatted with my vet and sent pics, and we decided a visit was only necessary if it looked worse the next morning. It didn’t, so home treatment it was.
I can feel a bit of a raised spot where the cut was but it’s all clean and healthy now and she has no issues.
I just love this forum for all the helpful advice.