And what we are trying to say is - it’s just not that simple. If you move to AL, you cannot simply update your tax forms. The company has to register for business in that state as well as sign up for withholding and unemployment accounts for the business. You may not care, but your corporate tax and payroll departments do.
by what means? for over eight years I commuted to Burbank from Dallas/Ft Worth by either Southwest or American …it was less expensive for my employer than moving my family there
The newer thinner ones work fine for me, I have them below the padding line. The dip back and adjust, so it would sit where the softer harness padding is as opposed to the structure of the helmet, if that makes sense?
I negotiated for a raise with my boss and came away with a 14% increase plus a bonus. My client loved me and I had almost a 100% utilization rate. My client lauded me to my boss and it became the client comment of the month in the company newsletter of a global corporation.
Dude. I’m not sure what’s so difficult to understand. A company is likely to be set up for all of that for all applicable locations within a reasonable commuting distance. Reasonable commuting distance.
Sure with an agreement with your employer. Like I mentioned up thread.
What does WFH stand for? White Fat Head? Werewolf For Hire? What Folks Hear?
Work from Home
Not at my company, and we’re hiring! Message me if you (or anyone else) is interested. Lots of positions are remote.
Ah, thank you. Usually I can figure them out but not this time.
I’ve been working from home since March of 2020 when the pandemic took hold. In fact, almost my entire department is now working remotely. I took home two monitors, docking station, laptop, and keyboard. I can do my job from anywhere as long as there’s high speed internet. I’m in right of way so no customer contact and no paper handling.
I’m going to suggest the ask a manager blog for everyone here. It’s run by a lady who is a horse person, which is how I stumbled across it. I don’t even work in an office and it is high-level entertainment to read, and it answers a ton of the questions posed above.
I love her! Good reading too.
Mine either, they tell you to put tape over your webcam. Lol.
They could care less what you look like.
My company gives out plastic sliders with the company logo on them that you stick on your laptop and slide it to show or hide the webcam as needed.
I can’t like this post enough!!!
Omg, I had NO IDEA she was a horse person! I adore that blog. It’s both insightful and popcorn worthy.
Dude. I am not sure what’s so difficult to understand. @Jo was just explaining something that makes perfect sense.
I do not know the specifics but I do know that it was very hard for the company I work at to get licensed (not sure what the right word is, so let’s go with licensed) to work in a specific state, that is very close to one of our new office locations. But they had to because a bunch of new hires (expanding the office) wanted to work from home and live in that state.
THIS. Not to mention that suddenly the employment laws can change, meaning that any at-will documentation that you initially signed may need to be reissued bc the state laws may no longer apply (I’m looking at you, California). CA is known to have employment laws that heavily favor the employee’s rights, whereas, other states do not back the individual and may defer to whatever the org’s handbook says.
I have tried to be coy about snowbirding in FL, but found that it’s easiest just to be upfront that it’s currently not my primary location. It seems to be the easiest path and I specify that I need any company materials currently shipped here, but that after April, I’ll be back in my primary location.
Super interesting thread that illustrates personal finances are just that, personal. I returned to riding in my early 40s and beat myself up for not going back in my 20s or 30s when I was “young” and would have had time to become a better rider. In reality, I would have struggled to save money had I returned earlier. Now I am 52, working since I was 14, and I am so freaking glad I’ve saved enough to retire at 55 completely debt free barring any crazy circumstances. I couldn’t buy enough horses to make me happy enough to stick out my very well-paying job that I absolutely loathe for another 10 years.
Dude. I’m totally aware of how payroll works. I have experience in that field.
I mean maybe only Alabama Rednecks and Florida Men have the sensibility to be set up for multiple states that are within a REASONABLE COMMUTING distance from their business. Some how I doubt it.
Reasonable commuting distance. Not Cancun. Not can I move 300 miles and two states over. Reasonable commuting distance.