While my situation isn’t identical to yours, I totally get it. It sucks to think about how hard I work to support the cost of my horse, how little time I actually get to enjoy it, and to see all my barnmates who have both seemingly infinite time to ride and infinite amounts of money to lesson and show.
My husband and I made almost mid 6 figures combined last year. But we live in the DC area, have two kids and no family nearby to help, and have student loans, a mortgage (and an older home that needs a lot of expensive work), and various other expenses related to living a busy lifestyle. We have chosen to outsource some household stuff so we can better enjoy our time at home with our kids, so that’s more money. We both work 50-60 hours a week very regularly, and my husband is an attorney so with trials it’s more like 80 or more for him sometimes.
I pay an average of about 1600 a month before any lessons or showing. That does include three rides a week by the trainer, because it takes me a full hour to drive to the barn, so I only get to go 2-3 times a week at best. Recently with my job being so busy it’s been more like once a week. That number does not include the cost of getting to the barn (gas and tolls) and the babysitter I have to pay for sometimes so I can be free to go sans children in tow.
With our income, there is still no way I could reasonably afford any A shows or even anything more than a one day local show. I did compete in recognized horse trials before I had the second child, and could probably swing that again if I had more time to ride and get fit. But I’m lucky in that there are so many one day options nearby, I never have to pay much for trailering or stalls at an away show.
I think the thing I’ve come to realize is just that I need to focus on enjoying what I can do and not stress about not being able to compete. My horse has recently (last 3 years) experienced a couple of big injuries that have necessitated lengthy rehabs, so I’ve been forced into that mindset a bit over time. When I ride now, I just focus on enjoying the moments I get, and when my barnmates are all leaving for a show, I enjoy the relatively empty ring. It’s taken time and a bit of acceptance to get to this point, but I can honestly say I and my horse both feel happier and far less stressed than we have in a long time. It’s not bad to have goals, but sometimes life just gets in the way and you have to change your outlook.
I know too that my years of working hard in my current career will pay off in the long run. While I can’t afford a ton of showing now, I know I will someday in the future, and I’m okay with waiting until my life is less crazy and I have more time for my horse anyway. It’s all about choices and what path you want your life to take. We have chosen to live in this area because of our careers. If we had a disabled family member, there’s no way we would move away or try to uproot them. Working 50-60 hours a week can be so taxing and if you’re trying to fit in regular rides on top of that, it can really take the fun out of it. I echo the recommendations to find a half leaser or to just try not to focus on the showing for right now. Things change and there are seasons to life. I would just try to focus on the here and now and get the enjoyment you can out of having a nice horse, a nice barn, and use it as stress relief instead of an additional stressor.