Need some advice. I haven’t posted in a long time, since I found out my company can track internet use (that doesn’t stop me from lurking in the mornings though
My beloved 7 year old Border Collie has intestinal cancer. He was diagnosed about a month and a half ago. His only real symptom is that he’s extremely anemic. A normal dog’s Packed Cell Volume (% of Red Blood Cells) is 37-55%. His, as of this past Friday, was 12 - that’s down from 16 the day before and I’m sure it’s dropped since then.
When he first started getting anemic, the vets thought it was Autoimmune Hemolitic Anemia where the immune system kills the RBC. He was started on prednesone and we monitored his PCV closely.
When it fell to 18, I took him to a specialty surgical hospital where he received a blood transfusion, bone marrow biopsy and aspiration (to see if his bone marrow was producing RBC), x-rays, ultrasound, etc. He was there for a couple of days. When the ultrasound showed masses in his stomach, spleen and abdominal cavity, they did an aspiration that said it was cancer. The oncologist and internal medicine specialist recommended against chemo or surgery. That it was too extensive. When we left there, his blood level after the transfusion was 26, then dropped to 21. Being anemic makes you very very tired, no interest in much.
Of course, I’m not just going to sit there and do nothing so I tried holistic medicine, I found a wonderful vet who started him on acupunture, chinese herbs, I gave him flax oil (cancer-fighter). She got his PCV up to 30!! He was eating like crazy, playing, I was able to take him to the park, his tongue was pink. I thought that the cancer was in remission, I’d have him for at least six months more.
Then the last week and a half, he’s started to slid again. Now I have to carry him to go to the bathroom, he doesn’t want to eat and won’t go after his sticks or squeaky toys any more. He starts to get interested but doesn’t have the energy to do so. Anyone who knows about Border Collies, knows how much they love to fetch. But I honestly don’t believe he’s in pain, he’s not acting like a dog in pain, just very tired.
Here’s an example of what an incredible dog he is. Last night, I had set my alarm for 5:30 to take him out. But at about 5:00 AM, I heard this clattering noise in the bathroom. I thought he was having a seizure or something so I went in there.
He was standing in the bathtub going to the bathroom. Somehow, in the pitch dark, he managed to climb into the slippery tub and somehow knew that if he went to the bathroom in there, he wouldn’t make a mess, that it would go down the drain. How did he figured that out? He only climbed into the tub once in his life, a couple of years ago during a thunderstorm. I lifted him out of the tub and he lay there wheezing until he was able to rest some more. He makes sounds now when he breathes.
He is the best dog, I don’t know what I am going to do without him. My options at this point are to let him go on like this, put him to sleep or give him another blood transfusion. The vet said that a blood transfusion would really be a band-aid. He would last another couple of weeks and then the blood levels would drop again. That is if there isn’t a complication from the transfusion in the first place.
I don’t know if I am strong enough to put him to sleep but I don’t know if I’m being selfish. Again, I don’t think he’s in pain but he certainly can’t enjoy life the way he used to. I wish dogs could talk. How do you make this decision?