Where are the Chronicle magazine classifieds?

Since COTH chose not to make the classifieds available to everyone anymore. Has anyone realized that totally skews their demographics of readership?
What I mean is they had A LOT of people fill out the survey thru the BB and now they don’t let these people read the classifieds.

 How many on here was reading the classifieds every week online, but doesn't subscribe to the magazine? If there is enough response to this, maybe the classifieds will be reopened....

[Mod note for easier reference:] While they are working on a permanent classifieds revamp, the magazine’s classifieds are linked to from the main www.chronofhorse.com homepage and available to subcribers and non-subscribers, and those signed into the site or not.

They’re linked directly in the announcement at the top of the page next to the FAQs (and at the top of the page when you click the Magazine tab).

Here’s a direct link as well.

Thanks for your interest and sorry for any confusion!
Mod 1

Actually, you can still read the classifieds online for free.

Click on “magazine” on the green bar, and then you’ll see a place to click that says “view this week’s classifieds.”

Not on mine…

Actually, you can still read the classifieds online for free.

Click on “magazine” on the green bar, and then you’ll see a place to click that says “view this week’s classifieds.”[/QUOTE]

mine just says:
subscribe, give a gift, advertise, archives, and current issue

Just ignore the drop down options and click on the word “magazine” at the top. It should work from there.

you have to create a profile (free) to log in and see the classifieds and certain articles. You still have to be a subscriber to see most of the stuff though.

I know exactly how you felt.

Around here “The Lancaster Farmer” started charging to read classifieds. (log in NOT free) I’ll be damned before I pay to read an ad here & there, every now and then!! Luckily, I found my adorable donkey there before they started charging!!
Seems idiotic to me… Why would you advertise in a paper with a limited readership? I even sent an email about it - no response.

At least COTH has a clue.

\o/ COTH \o/

Oh, really? I guess I never bother to log out, so I didn’t realize you had to be logged in to see the classifieds.

I will say they didn’t make it easy to find them. I never would have known unless I had asked in that thread about the new site design. You would think there should be a direct link to classifieds on that green bar, so the people who pay for ads can get the most bang for their buck.

Classifieds are one of the main things I check out on the internet, especially horse related ones. I wonder what an analysis of inbound traffic to CoTH would show- how many folks are finding the site by searching for classifieds, versus finding the site from other search strings?

For the amount of money one has to pay to advertise, even a weeny word ad, I as an advertiser would be pissed if all of a sudden ‘not just anyone’ could read the ad anymore…

While they are working on a permanent classifieds revamp, the magazine’s classifieds are linked to from the main www.chronofhorse.com homepage and available to subcribers and non-subscribers, and those signed into the site or not.

They’re linked directly in the announcement at the top of the page next to the FAQs (and at the top of the page when you click the Magazine tab).

Here’s a direct link as well.

Thanks for your interest and sorry for any confusion!
Mod 1

Just FYI, there is no direct link when I look at this page on my computer or mobile device (iPhone). The word “classifieds” does not appear next to the FAQ link, nor anywhere else on the page.

The only way I can find them is by going through the magazine link, and as I posted earlier, I had to ask about that on another thread. They’re pretty well hidden, which is the opposite of what I want when I pay for an ad.

I’m not sure that we’re looking at the same spot, MHM. When anyone visits www.chronofhorse.com, there should be a message near the top of the screen with the links to the new site-related FAQs and the classifieds:

Welcome to the NEW chronofhorse.com: Visit our FAQ to see what’s new! View this week’s Classifieds. Download the special Stallion Issue advertising supplement.

That message is closeable, but it should pop back up every time someone goes to the home page.

This method of handling the classifieds listings is temporary, while the new classifieds system is developed.

Are you able to see the link there?

Mod 1

Ah. I was talking about THIS page, the BB page.

I can see the classified link from the home page, but I rarely look at that main page. I’m old-fashioned. I just wait for my magazine to appear in my mailbox every week.