Since COTH chose not to make the classifieds available to everyone anymore. Has anyone realized that totally skews their demographics of readership?
What I mean is they had A LOT of people fill out the survey thru the BB and now they don’t let these people read the classifieds.
How many on here was reading the classifieds every week online, but doesn't subscribe to the magazine? If there is enough response to this, maybe the classifieds will be reopened....
[Mod note for easier reference:] While they are working on a permanent classifieds revamp, the magazine’s classifieds are linked to from the main homepage and available to subcribers and non-subscribers, and those signed into the site or not.
They’re linked directly in the announcement at the top of the page next to the FAQs (and at the top of the page when you click the Magazine tab).
Here’s a direct link as well.
Thanks for your interest and sorry for any confusion!
Mod 1