Where do you store your riding/barn clothes?

Do they have their own closet, are they in with the rest of your clothes, etc? How do you store your horse clothes? Thanks in advance!

Breeches have their own cubby/box, tops stored with the rest of my athletic tops (separated by base layers versus sweatshirts/cold-weather gear), jackets and vests are kept in the mudroom closet so they donā€™t stink up the nice clothes.

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Clean tops and breeches and socks and hoodies just go in the drawer or closet with other cloths. Wet gear dries on the hot water tank. Dirty clothes have a laundry basket and clothes I will wear agsin tomorrow are either in the laundry room if dusty or on my bedroom floor :slight_smile: just like other clothes Iā€™m going to wear agsin. I like to wash and waterproof my barn jackets at the end of season and then they can just stay in the coat closet.

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Show clothes hang in the closet with a few dresses and pants. I have a drawer for all of my every day riding attire. Barn jackets hang with the other jackets at the basement door, I also have a specific jacket and coveralls for the chickens.
My full chaps hang with my purse.
Muddy boots stay in the garage.

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Basically wherever the non-horse clothes in the same level of clean would be kept.

Though my chore barn coat is kept separate from my work coat and I have shoes/boots that I will not wear in the barn so I do not stink people out when I am doing something not horse.


One of the guest bedrooms contains the horse closet and the dirty laundry hamper. All riding apparel and clean saddle pads live in the closet.

Guests use the room very rarely and the dirty laundry is always removed before they come!

My outdoor wear lives in my mud room during its season of use. When the season is over, everything gets washed and put away into my bedroom closet.

My muck boots and riding boots are in the mud room permanently.

The shirts, tights, sweatshirts, and bras that I ride in live in my bedroom closet, except when they are dirty. I do try to wear them multiple days, so I have an over-the-door hook they hang on until it is time for them to be washed.

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I have small his and hers closets in my room (the kind where you slide the mirrored doors) and since Iā€™m just her both are mine :slight_smile: My athletic shirts and t shirts are on the left side of my left closet and breeches are folded and stacked on the left side of the shelf on top of my closet. I pretty much only like a couple of my breeches so I rotate them. After wearing they are folded and go back on the top of the pile unless they are dirty and will get washedā€¦ I usually only wear them twice before washing if they stay relatively clean. Sweaters, vests, and hoodies to layer on top in the cold are in the right closet on the right side. I keep my show jackets on the far right of my hoodies (same sleeve lengths and Iā€™m weird like that - everything has to go in order and stick with ā€œlikeā€ styles). Barn jackets are kept with my normal jackets in the coat closet downstairs. Socks have their own drawer in my dresser and my boot and normal socks co-mingle, sports bra goes into my bra/underwear drawer and everything co-mingles in there. Saddlepads live in the back of my SUV along with my boots (both tall boots and mud boots, the mud boots have a tray to live on so they donā€™t get everything messy).

My chest of drawers has a fold down door with sweater cubbies in the middle. Breeches get stacked in there. I donā€™t otherwise have special ā€˜riding onlyā€™ clothes (like tops), and 95% of my wardrobe is barn/outside/get dirty clothes, so the rest is just mixed in with my regular stuff.

In the tackroom with my tack.

my floor mostly :slight_smile:


I donā€™t show, so keep in mind thereā€™s nothing fancy here - just technical type riding shirts and riding tights/schooling breeches. I have a wooden shelf with two big cloth bins - one is shirts and the other is pants. I have a small set of plastic drawers with socks in it, and another bin with helmet, spurs, gloves, and crops. This is all outside of the closet with my regular clothes in it - thereā€™s not enough room for it to go inside. Boots are all in the other closet with my outerwear.

I have been struggling with this honestly because currently all my riding pants are stored under my bed in bins and itā€™s so annoying to me haha like I want to put them in drawers but I donā€™t have a drawer for them. Theyā€™re in such heavy rotation bc I only have like 3-4 pairs that I like that it just feels like so much work to drag out the bins every time they get washed!!! I also have specific athletic shirts that I like to wear riding and I wanna keep them separate from the rest of my t shirts but I havenā€™t really figured out a good system for that either.

My show clothes get used like once or twice a year so they stay in the bin! And then all the boots and half chaps and such live in the trunk of my car lol.

All my riding clothes are stored in a wooden blanket chest that I use as a coffee table. Itā€™s been Kondo-ed so everything is folded and filed neatly, with the out of season stuff on the bottom. I also rotate everything so it all gets used. Bit of a minimalist, with two pairs of summer tights, two spring/fall and two winter pairs. Fleece and turtlenecks for the winter and mostly polos or breathable shirts for the summer.

Coats/jackets live in my car to give it that fresh from the barn smell. They get washed and stored away in my trunk of horsey stuff in the garage when out of season. Barn footwear also lives in the car.

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Clean stuff lives in my closet, along with non-riding clothes.
I have a floor-to-ceiling unit with cubbie shelves & one shelf holds all my breeches. Tops are not restricted to For Riding Only & mingle with the rest.
Show clothes - I drive - hang together in garment bags so I can grab a complete outfit: jacket, blouse, apron, gloves. Hats are in hat boxes.
For the rare ridden show, hunt coat & ratcatchers are in the same section as Driving clothes.
Dress boots live on a spare (not at the table) kitchen chair.
Jod boots - worn most often - in the mudroom.
A collection of barn clothes - sweatpants, t-shirts, t-necks, fleece tops - are stored in plastic 3-drawer chests in the mudroom along with barn boots.
All barn coats on hooks there.
The outfit currently in use for chores is kept on a kitchen chair so I can dress for chores while half asleep. If they reek Iā€™m the only one here & donā€™t notice :roll_eyes:

I mostly keep mine all together less my riding boots and barn coats. Boots stay in the barn and barn coats live on the coat rack during the season.

Thanks, everyone, for your replies!! Iā€™ve enjoyed reading them. Trying to find a solution for my riding clothes, lots of great ideas here!

During hunt season all SIX hunt coats, vests and stock ties are in the horse trailer on a rod --there are two sets of each ā€œseasonā€ ā€”on size fits me without a safety vest, one size fits me with my safety vest on (wear mine under my clothes). Jackets are light, medium, and heavy weight. Hunt breeches (correct Canary yellow) are in my closet right now because I wear them every week, along with a clean white shirt with cuff-links of foxsā€™ heads -

Summer ā€œshowā€ clothes are my mounted archery clothes --all the lightest weight possible (two outfits as I usually shoot two days), both black with black breeches. Those reside in suit bags in a basement closet (just a free standing rod, really. In the summer they go into the trailer and the hunt clothes go in the basement.

Barn clothes I wear every day are on a hook beside the door to the barn with boots underneath.

Suggestion: some place in your trailer or tack trunk, put in a full set of spare clothes --I use SCRUBS (very cheap at GoodWill). One never knows when the show clothes will be uncomfortable to drive in (was totally soaked at an archery meet --so glad I had warm and dry EVERYTHING to put on to drive home). Kiddo wore them a few times when she separated at a water jump; and Iā€™ve used them for when after showing it is just too hot to sit around in riding clothes --a clean set of scrubs is wonderful to slip on and one is completely dressed.


I donā€™t understand the question.

People have clothes they donā€™t wear in the barn?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Yes, those darn things they wear to the office every day. The cubbymate gets grumpy if they have to smell horse all day.