If your horse or pony suddenly could not cross his front right leg over his front left leg, where would you think the locus of that dysfunction is?
For two years I’ve done an exercise whereby I ask him to cross over in front in a kind of slow, gentle spin, moving away from my hand. It’s just a warmup exercise. He knows this exercise and he’s done it every day for a year. We haven’t done it for awhile but when I tried last week he refused to cross the right over the left and would only spin with his legs apart. Mostly he tried to move forward or backward. He was normal crossing the left over the right.
Suddenly is not entirely accurate. He’s had problems since last summer and the vet has not been able to pinpoint it. It seems subtle and the vet writes it off to him being a pony. But I know something is wrong. Also, when the pony trots in a circle to the left, he turns his head out to the right, which he did not used to do. Last summer, he began cross-cantering when asked to go to the left, which seems to be resolving bit by bit. This one symptom - not crossing his right front leg over the left front - is kind of the most clear dis-ability. He tight ropes and has hocks that are weak but that is not news.
Yes, I’m trying to get another vet. Apparently, that is a political problem.