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Where is everyone buying their pasture grass seed?

I bought the same winter rye forage grass seed from my local feed and seed store for years. I’d order and then pick it up. During the pandemic when I did not drive anywhere I discovered that I could order the same seed on line directly from the grower. The price (including shipping to the door of my barn) was about 3/4 of the price at the local seed store.

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Like everyone else we went with a local supplier . Not only did they have seed that was meant for our personal grass growing climate, they were close so that we could return any bags we didn’t use.

They also have knowledge of what soil types are here . Very helpful in getting a good stand on our pasture and hay fields. Our local is Southern Seed Corporation.

We buy from a family-owned business, and receive recommendations from the staff agronomist.

Do the protocols also apply to hay–I have orchard grass/timothy mix but I get worried there could be fescue grass mixed in? Thanks