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Where, oh where, is my Mr. O'Malley (UPDATE, found very sick, to vet, crossing fingers!)

If you’re like me, No, you won’t :expressionless:

Mr O’M is a hunkahunka handsome guy!

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I’m well back off of a very quiet road. I have 6 cats.

Bumble is 3. She is indoors and wants a maximum of 2 hours outside on the porch and within 20’ of the house. At the other end of the spectrum is TinderMouse, who lives almost exclusively in the barn loft and only comes to the house when it’s cold. He is filling Owl’s paws, who ran the barn and lived for 16 years.

The old lady, Pheeble, is 11 or 12 now and lives on or near my big covered porch. When she gets cold, she silently slips in the cat door and you’ll awaken in the morning to find her on your pillow with you. About 3 years ago she disappeared for 2 months to the day. Then she just walked up, skinny but 100% fine. We got her weight up and resumed our lives. She is where she wants to be, snoozing on a hot Alabama day in the sunshine.

The three yearlings are a rescued litter and are 75% indoors.

No one has to agree with my choices, they don’t pay my bills.


I find I worry more about my animals as I age. My cats always wanted out at night which always bothered me due to the possible " predator" issues but really we had no issues through all the years.

I just wonder if he was chased/ stressed out by some predator type animal and due to the heat he was affected?

So glad he is well again. Maybe you can just let him out during the day for a bit??


He is very handsome! If you do decide to build a catio would you post pictures of it please? I have gone on Pinterest but have not found one that would work for me. I would love to be able to safely let mine enjoy the outdoors as well as for me to read a book inside without a cat trying to sit on the book while I am reading it.

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I wish everyone would do this for their cats. It doesn’t need to be huge or expensive to build. I have built two large enclosures out of reused lumber, they aren’t pretty but they serve their purpose well.

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Such a handsome boy! I love his pink nose but don’t tell him that. I’m glad he is feeling better. He reminds me a bit of my Ollie in the face so give him a treat for me and in memory of Ollie.



I have a funny story about irrational choices.

Last Fall one of the 3 litter rescues disappeared. He was not the adventurous sort. We looked high and low for 2 days. On morning 3, I walked our road frontage and down at the bottom, I called and called. I have bat-like hearing, and i heard him. Following the sound, I found him 30+ feet up a tree on the neighbor’s farm. I called DH and after much terse back and forth…ladders, calling, trying… we rented an articulated lift :wink: I sat on my flatbed truck and worked all day in the field while Socket complained from 30’ away. When DH got home he drove the lift over and we retrieved one VERY pleased to see us up close, Socket.

While we had the $1200 rental, we swapped my arena lights for LED fixtures, so that took some of the sting out :wink:


Around here, outdoor kitties don’t last long, too many predators. But I have one who thinks he wants to be an outdoor kitties and tries to sneak out. He did sneak out once, got scared by one of the dogs and climbed to the top of the utility pole next to my house. Called the electric company as it was their pole. They said call the sheriff. Like LE could do anything. Finally kitty just shimmied down backwards into my arms. He occasionally tries to sneak out but has a panic attack when he realizes what he’s done and streaks back inside. Two of my others will venture out on the back steps if the door is open but will run back inside when I clap my hands at them.


@Djones, that is awesome of you!


Well, thank you… I mean, it is a luxury and on some level, maybe it IS absurd. I am so fortunate that doing such a thing is even possible, financially and otherwise. I just could not leave him so far from home up a tree. When he ever did come down, he was smack in the middle of a couple hundred acres of woods and fields, and a long way from anything he knew.

He sticks a lot closer to home and mostly snuggles with the Bumble


Those eyes :heart_eyes_cat:

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He’s a slinker bean for sure :wink: