Where On Earth Did My Threads Go???

I can’t find two of my threads. I looked in my profile to find them so I can look at the advice given to me again, but they aren’t there! What happened?

The two threads I am looking for are the one I created about barn rats (I’m sorry I don’t remember the name :frowning: ), and the one I made about inserting text instead of a link (while still having it direct you to the linked website.)

How do I find my threads again? My three (four?) most recent ones show up on my profile, but not the first two.

There is an issue with search that extends to threads displayed in your profile.

The thread you’re asking about in the help forum is still on the front page here. Just scroll down.

There is an issue with search that extends to threads displayed in your profile.

The thread you’re asking about in the help forum is still on the front page here. Just scroll down.[/QUOTE]

Ahhhh, didn’t think of that :slight_smile: thanks!

The tech crew is rebuilding the search database a little bit at a time each night, as it’s apparently an arduous process.

I found your other thread via Google. Here you go:

Sorry for the trouble!
Mod 1

Thank you, Moderator 1!