Where to buy good quality jump standards

I’m interested in getting both aluminum and wood to see which works better for my situation. Looking for mostly schooling standards and also a few winged sets. The closer to NorCal the better. Not interested in plastic.

Where have you bought your standards that you love?

I know zip about zip but if I wanted to try out aluminum jump standards, I’d take a look at having them fabricated locally, and would be awfully surprised if that wasn’t pretty significantly cheaper than buying them “ready made.”

Poke around and see who’s welding aluminum in your area, and take em some pics. See what they can do for you.

Wood jump standards are easy to make imo


I LOVE the newer aluminum jump standards. Have always been a wood gal but the newer al ones are AMAZING


Look on FB for people who make them. We are too far from you but I have a lovely jump maker in my region who does beautiful work for a reasonable price.

Unfortunately I just don’t have the bandwidth to find someone and convince them to make them. Finding vendors here is near impossible (still waiting on someone to do some metal work on a gate they promised they’d do in November) and unless someone already makes them I don’t see this being a trivial project.

Same for making them @paintedpennypony

This is totally a trivial project for a company that does custom fabrication. Standards just aren’t complicated to construct.

There are plenty of aluminum welding companies in CA that pop in Google. I’d at least consider sending out an email or two, because shipping will be a significant portion of your price otherwise.

Maybe it’ll yield a new contact for your gate work, too :wink:


What I mean is a trivial project for me to contact them, then contact them 3 more times because they won’t reply, then describe what I need, then follow up 5 times, then maybe get what I want. :blush:

If you are looking for a full set, you may find going directly to the manufacturer most economical.


Absolutely love the aluminium standards, so light and easy to move - I can stack both wings and carry them together. It’s that light!

For every day training, I would suggest the AJ05 under the aluminum jump section. Super light and sturdy enough that they do not blow over - you will need sandbags if you have any wind.

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You might contact ALU Jumps USA in Paso Robles.


I have bought jumps from show organizers. I suggest contacting any show series manager. Some make their own jumps. I bought them right out of the ring at the end of a show. If they don’t sell them, they may be able to direct you to their supplier.


Dalman makes all the jumps around here it seems. I’m sure they ship to Cali.

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Yes I was looking at those and that was my first pick but I was hoping to find something out this way to save on shipping :crossed_fingers:

Man you’d think, but I put out for bid a simple little wheeled jump pole holder thingamabob and my lowest comeback was $4k. Literally a four square with two arms on a side and two branches supported on four tires :woman_shrugging:t4: Maybe that’s a trivial price to some, but it wasn’t to me. I’m gonna wind up making a non-wheeled version out of wood because I’m not that handy unless I can find a small trashed trailer to set it on.

OP, this will be the best thing to invest in. I’ve built so much out of this book.


Thanks! Unfortunately building them isn’t something I have the time for right now. :confused:

@Demerara_Stables I can’t seem to message you… I have a fair number of new aluminum standards available that I imported from Hope Horse China (mentioned by Mouse_amp_Bay). I’m Washington, about an hour north of Seattle, if you want to connect and discuss. :slight_smile:

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I bought a pallet of these with a friend and they are fabulous! Shipping is expensive, you need to get some friends to order with you.

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They were great to work with, even with the 12 hour time difference. We messaged back and forth on WhatsApp, got the order set up and I had everything here within a couple of months. Not cheap but significantly less than anything around here!

Though those 25% steel tariffs may hit these on the way in, careful in this back and forth political climate … I’d count on that applying and set myself up to be pleasantly surprised if they somehow don’t!