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Which clinic would you recommend? (Cross-post)

(Cross-posted from Horse Care)

I have a dressage horse with a NQR issue with on/off subtle lameness in the right hind going on for several years. We have done a lot of investigating and he has one spot of very mild kissing spines and we have had some degree of success with treating SI issues, so may or may not be associated with back/pelvic issues. I have done many diagnostics and treatments with multiple different vets local to me and still not gotten to the bottom of it. I’m planning to haul to a major clinic to try and get some definitive answers - the options within 6ish hours for me to haul to are Rood & Riddle (Lexington), Hagyard or New Bolton. The lameness is only apparent under certain circumstances and largely performance based, so I need a sport horse vet with a keen eye and willingness to discuss and explore options. I have not been to any of these clinics before, so I’m looking for anyone’s experience if there’s a certain one recommended over others or a specific vet that fits the bill for this that I should request. Thanks in advance!

All those clinics are good…but I know a small animal vet who uses Kevin Keane for her personal riding horse’s lameness issues.

My farrier recommended Peter Blauner as the best vet to diagnose “not quite right” type lamenesses.


I have used Dr. Blauner and been happy. Also recommend finding the absolute best performance farrier you can get your hands on (maybe on the recommendation of whatever vet you choose) as so many of these NQR things can be fixed by someone who really truly understands the feet.

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Blauner is both a vet and a farrier…and a pilot…and a 3-day eventer.

Amateurs Like Us: Veterinarian Peter Blauner Takes It One Horse At A Time - The Chronicle of the Horse (chronofhorse.com)