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Who are the new standard-bearers?

I agree with Beezie as a new “standard-bearer” or guiding light type. On another note and in response to other ideas floating around the forum on occasion, the idea that the sport is going to pot and is now full of a bunch of non-riders is garbage. Is the top of the sport primarily for ultra rich people? ABSOLUTELY. But the top kids of trainers and plenty of the rich and super rich ones are fantastic riders: dead-eye with lovely equitation and capable of riding a highly technical, sizable course. And how do we know what other horses they have ridden or ride at home. And who gives an S if people want to jump tiny jumps at local shows or do the crossrail divisions at WEF? It is their prerogative. I know plenty of ladies who do the former because that is the type of horse they can afford and what they feel safe doing. And I’m glad for it, because it keeps our local circuit operating.


I’m extremely skeptical of this, sorry lol

Here’s your Maclay winner last year:

No one is being punished for a crest release, nor should they be.


I agree - if this was true, there would be no one on the card at the end of the class. Lol indeed.


I’m referring to the finals, not any Eq class.

Holds true for the finals, as well.


It’s not against any rule nor a show of objectively poor riding so what justification is there for judging it that way?

Also how did the judge “make this known?” Literally by announcing it to the competitors? When? How?


Looking back on posting history, Glenny here is somebody who wants to BE somebody.

… whether or not it’s true or relevant.

So, grain of salt, folks. Lots of preening going on here - this is less about the crest release and more about someone wanting to pretend they’re in the know. :slight_smile:


1000%. No names, always vague, always three steps to the left of credible.

There are some “big names” and very accomplished people on this board - and none of them post this way. If glen is as “connected” and “in the know” as they are wanting people to think, they’re certainly not doing a great job of it lol.

ETA: the release in the eq- personally I’d rather see a crest release than no release at all. Planting the hands at the withers isn’t a “following hand” or “auto release”. Watching these very forgiving horses jump and tuck the chin in every time is a little sad (usually this isn’t the top riders, but you see it a lot if you watch enough finals rounds). But I’m no judge, and don’t ride the Big Eq :wink:


He announced this at his clinics the year before. Where were you?. WOW, odious. Just the facts ma’am, including previous posts, like it or not. I’ve paid my dues & am entitled to be frank.

See my reply to you posted below.

So this information was only conveyed to the people who attended his clinics before he judged the finals? Not everyone in the class?

Does anyone else see a problem with this idea? I see a pretty big problem.


Oh glenny glen glen. What a good one.

Your arms must be long, from patting yourself on the back all this time.


I don’t know you so there is no need to be familiar. I am expressing information. If you don’t have relevant information why comment?

That’s why I asked. Not very fair if ALL the competitors weren’t there to learn this insider information.


What exactly do you think the word “odious” means? Because I don’t think it means what you think it means?!

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Enough. Desist.

How do you mute users? Or block? Cause while I love a good laugh, I’m just bored of it now. yawn

Aww Glenny Glen doesn’t want to play anymore. :frowning:

This may be a surprise, but posters are not in control of what other posters say or do.


Unless it deviates off topic to a personal affront.