Who is riding after DIEP flap surgery??

The end is in sight: I had bilateral mastectomy on Monday and will have reconstruction via DIEP flap at the end of the month. Everything I’ve read says 6-8 weeks before normal activity… but I want to hear from riders. Has anyone had this reconstruction and gone back to riding? :slight_smile:

No experience thankfully but want to give you jingles for a complete recovery. There are two women in our pony club that were diagnosed with BC right at the same time. In fact that one being diagnosed prompted the other to get checked and probably saved her life. I have no idea what procedures either of them had but they are both riding if that helps any.

That does make me feel more optimistic–thanks!

Don’t know about the flap reconstruction…I was riding 3 weeks after a double mastectomy and reconstruction with saline implants. My normally
spooky horse who also could be a jerk was an absolute saint during this period.

I had a bilateral DIEP flap reconstruction in 2009…and it is actually my arthritic knees that keep me out of the saddle, not my lovely chest:)
I was prescribed Arimidex (estrgen blocker) to take as the next step up from Tamoxifen as a preventative. It is known to degenerate the joints, and worsen osteoporosis…and though they don’t include memory loss on their list of side effects, pages upon pages of complaints of foggy headedness, memory loss, and dementia-like symptoms exist on the internet. THAT was a problem.

Though I am not back in the saddle, I am VERY excited about starting one of my “keeper” fillies to drive this summer! I feel a whole new chapter coming on:cool:

I wasn’t familiar with that procedure, but I just wanted to wish you well. :slight_smile:

I was out for 3 months and then very limited. I was 17 (20+yrs ago…:lol:) when I had mine done and I don’t really remember exactly what I had done. But I had total breast reconstruction with the transflap. I don’t know how this differs from what you are having done. But I was cut hip to hip (almost 18 inch) so my healing time was long.

At any rate…I hope it all goes well for you and you’ll be back in tack before you know it.

Don’t know about DIEP, but I had single mast with one-step (direct to implant) two years ago. Made my trainer take a picture of me riding 12 days later. Don’t recall any issues, and never a hitch since. However, I will say that I was emphatic to the plastic surgeon that I wanted minimal breasts, not his usual “make me big” customer!

Good luck and speedy recovery! My experience was not nearly as bad as I was afraid it would be. Has not affected my riding or ability to do chores at all.

Not familiar with the procedure but wish you the best of luck and a very speedy recovery

I had a mastectomy 4 years ago and am now trying to decided whether to have reconstruction. I’m concerned about how this might affect my ability to ride. The surgeon is recommending a free TRANS flap (tissue from abdomen, as little muscel removed as possible to ensure adeuqate blood vessesl). He says it will be 2 to 3 months before I can ride again.

I’d like to hear from other riders who have had either the free TRANS flap or DIEP flap. How long before you could ride? Any lingering weakness or problems?

This is a very tough decision for me, and I’d appreciate hearing from you. You can send me a PM (I guess, I’ve just registered for Chronicl of the Horse forum).

I had a mastectomy 4 years ago and am now trying to decided whether to have reconstruction. I’m concerned about how this might affect my ability to ride. The surgeon is recommending a free TRANS flap (tissue from abdomen, as little muscel removed as possible to ensure adeuqate blood vessesl). He says it will be 2 to 3 months before I can ride again.

I’d like to hear from other riders who have had either the free TRANS flap or DIEP flap. How long before you could ride? Any lingering weakness or problems?

This is a very tough decision for me, and I’d appreciate hearing from you. You can send me a PM (I guess, I’ve just registered for Chronicl of the Horse forum).[/QUOTE]

Hay Mel13! I love my bilateral DIEP flap reconstruction done in 2009. I really followed my surgeon’s recommendation to the letter as far as activity went, not because I felt unable, but rather because I did not want to compromise my excellent outcome. I have a breeding farm and at that time I had only stallions, youngsters, and broodmares, so getting back in the saddle wasn’t on my ‘to-do’ list.

I have no lingering weakness or problems, but again, I did follow directions so as not to compromise my reconstruction/donor site in the long run. My chest is warm, comfortable, and totally me. I can still lift a haybale (though now I just flop it over onto my muck cart, and wheel it where I want it…smarter-not-harder) and influence a full-of-himself 2y.o. to back up and show me some respect.

((HUGS)) Feel free to PM if you like:)

I turned down flap reconstruction in favour of implant. I did not want my abdominal muscles compromised.