Why do threads that are less than a year old get deleted?

I was looking back trying to find a thread that I had made back in January and it’s gone, along with many others that are less than a year old. Do they just get deleted because they take up too much space? It would be so nice to have an archive or something so that we could re-visit some old topics.

I can’t answer the question, but it is certainly a valid one. Why don’t you also send this question directly to one of the moderators, or post it in the help forum?

Search your own posts back beyond that point.
You may find the thread there…

It occurs to me that the age of the thread has nothing to do with it. It’s the number of responses the thread gets. If it’s less than six responses I think it gets deep sixed after a while because there just isn’t enough space to keep all threads…

We do have archives – the Favorites and Reference forums.

But considering the volume of posts here, there’s absolutely no way we can keep every post forever. So, periodically, I delete threads that are more than two months old and fewer than 5 or so pages (depending on the forum – in the forums with less traffic, I might make the cutoff 3 pages).

If there’s a thread with really valuable info for YOU personally, save it to your computer or print it out. If it’s really valuable information for everybody, nominate it to go in Favorites or Reference.