Why does my sciatica/hip/back pain hurt most in the AM

After sleeping or lying prone for any length of time, my right hip is hurting and varying degrees of sciatica and back pain. I have bulging discs from L1-L5, an old fracture/nerve compression damage at L2 and some degeneration at S1. The last two days I’ve been numb in my left hip and down to my ankles. Went to the PT today and had TENS treatment and some pressing on my lower back. Still numb and know it will hurt more when I try to rest. Last night had trouble sleeping, the pain just increases. Took some prescription anti-inflammatory and Tramadyl, slept w/an ice pack. But can anyone explain why it gets worse when I sleep or lie down or just quit standing and moving? I have an inversion table, will use it again tonight. TIA

This is a question for your physician…

Persistent “numbness” should not be ignored.
If something has shifted in your spine and has affected the nerves, it is unlikely what you are doing now will help.

Medical Mike
Equestrian Medical Researcher


Thanks, Mike. I am beyond miserable, sleep is difficult to impossible because of the pain. I will call my neurologist tomorrow.

Just my two cents but I would suggest seeing an ortho or a neurologist ASAP. I tried to quasi-ignore my sciatic pain for about 6 months-- saw a chiropractor 3 days a week and had acupuncture, etc. It helped some but the pain got worse and eventually I was unable to walk correctly (and none of the pain meds helped at all). I finally broke down and had an MRI that showed 2 bulging and 2 herniated discs. One of the discs had completely compressed the nerves in my left leg causing the issues. I ended up needing surgery without which I doubt I’d be mobile now, let alone riding. So, even though you already know you have back issues, it may be worth having another look at to see if anything has gotten worse or needs to be addressed.

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Neurologist is callling in a 'script for a prednisone pack and a refill of anti-inflammatories. I am fine through the day – always can feel some numbness or sensitivity/pain, but at night sitting or trying to sleep and in the AM it’s miserable.


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Welcome fellow suffers. I am now on my 4th mattress this year and, over 4 nights, I had less and less pain. My problem is that I have not felt this good in years, so I tend to overdo.

I thought I wanted a firm mattress, but the “bed in a bag” category are soft enough to mold to your body. I have a Casper, but other brands are probably just as good.

Another suggestion is “dry needles” from a PT. It hurts but not too bad and the relief lasts for 2 weeks.

The stuff you are getting is just a short term pain relief, and have nothing to do with the problem itself. But you know that.

I have several Tens units, and special hot pads that you heat in the microwave’ Have you had the injections? My Dr says they will not work for me — my problem is muscles, not bones.


As an interesting aside… I’ve been struggling with SI/Sciatic/piriformis pain for years–I fell off a horse and landed on my back across a jump when I was in my early 20’s and as I’ve aged it’s caught up with me…

I’ve had disrupted sleep and woken up in severe pain during the night and in the mornings. I’ve taken far more ibuprofen than I probably should over the years, had the steroid injections, taken the muscle relaxers done the PT, done Feldenkrais work, you name it, I’ve probably tried it.

Two things happened in the past month. First of all, I changed my car. This one has a very different seat to what I’ve had in the last few cars–it is actually a bit harder and a bit wider in the sitting area. At first I wasn’t sure I was going to like it, It also has very fine-tunable adjustment so I could get it just right–and then store the setting so no-one else changes it!

Secondly, I had a riding epiphany in a clinic as to how out-of-square I was sitting in the saddle–going to the left, I had my left hip and leg braced forward, and going the right, the right the same. I’m now really focused on sitting square in the saddle, particularly at the canter. I ride 4 or 5 days a week, btw.

Yesterday morning, I was aware that I had both slept through the night, and wasn’t in pain, and that I was lying on my right side.

This morning the same.

Will this last? Who knows! I’m still aware of a slight numbness in my right leg if I think about it, but I’ll take what I can get…

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My doctor told me the AM pain was due to the fact that overnight the muscles that stabilize your spine relax, allowing whatever it is that is pinching the nerves to do so more than usual. That’s why you may feel crippled when you get out of bed. For me, a new bed went a long way toward helping. We purchased a Sleep Number bed. My DH likes his bed very firm, and he outweighs me by 100#, so his sleep number is 75. My back is happiest when my sleep number is around 30. I like that I can adjust it as needed. This has been a game changer. I no longer wake up unable to walk.

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