Why so much more spam now?

Any idea WHY there’s so much more spam these days? The Of Course forum is filled with “watch this movie online” posts!!

They are just getting more persistent, unfortunately. We had a huge uptick right before we did our software update, and then installed a new software program that scans posts by new users and sequesters new ones in a moderation queue for approval.

I probably delete 30 accounts or more a day before you even see them, thanks to that program, so, though it’s cold comfort, believe me that it could be much worse!

The ones that are still making it through look a little more “normal” to the software than some of the blatant gobbledegook or foreign spam that it catches easily.

We’re going to be working on increasing the difficulty/decreasing the Google-ability of our horsey registration questions when we have a minute to also help ratchet up the defenses against them.

Sorry for the inconvenience–I wish there was a easy way to make them all disappear for good!

Mod 1

Thank you mod 1, for your efforts! COTH is the best, and well appreciated by most, anyway! ;D

Thank you mod 1, for your efforts! COTH is the best, and well appreciated by most, anyway! ;D[/QUOTE]

I do try to report the spam however it is now a bit too much to keep up with.

Mods, do you want spam that makes it to the board reported still? I’ve mostly stopped because I figure you are in the middle of getting to it and don’t need any extra stuff coming in.

We’ll do whatever’s most helpful to you :slight_smile:

I report everything I come across that hasn’t been reported already.

Wow! That’s just crazy! Thank you for what you do!!