Why the German vs Dutch battle will continue

From a German article. (English translation at the Bottom)


Die Weltreiterspiele und die Holländer

Das ist Anky. Anky ist Holländerin. Das ist kein Beruf und auch keine Krankheit ( obwohl…) sondern eine Nationalität. Klingt komisch, ist aber so. So ein Holländer ist eigentlich ziemlich nutzlos, denn außer Wohnwagen durch Europa schleppen und Tulpen züchten kann er nicht sonderlich viel. Das zeigt sich auch im Sport. Weil er aber trotzdem möglichst viele Goldmedaillen bei den Weltreiterspielen holen will, ganz egal wie, macht er das, was der Holländer am besten kann, abgesehen von Wohnwagen durch Europa schleppen und Tulpen züchten und vielleicht noch ungenießbare Tomaten anbauen: Er beschwert sich! Z.B beim Reiten. Denn weil er schließlich nicht richtig reiten kann, und wenn dann nur indem sich das Pferd in die Brust beißt, und weil die Deutschen da mal wieder besser waren geht er anschließend zu den Schiedsrichtern und behauptet, die Deutschen hätten etwas falsch gemacht. Das nennt man einen Protest. So ein Protest ist so ziemlich das einzige was ein Holländer ausser Wohnwagen durch Europa schleppen und Tulpen züchten noch kann. Deswegen machen sie das oft und gerne, weil man ihnen da gezwungenermaßen zuhören muss, und sie so eine tolle Ausrede für ihre Niederlage haben. So ein Protest bewirkt dann manchmal, dass den Deutschen die Medaillen wieder weggenommen werden.
Das haben sich die Holländer von den Franzosen abgeschaut, auch wenn man meinen könnte, es sei eine Holländische Erfindung.
Aber zum Glück hört den Holländern keiner zu, und die Deutschen dürfen ihre Medaillen behalten. Denn wie wir alle wissen, sind die Holländer ständig bekifft und züchten deswegen viel zu viele Tomaten die keiner essen mag. Da die Schiedsrichter viel lieber Bier als Tomaten mögen haben sie dieses mal für die Deutschen entschieden. Klingt komisch, war aber so.

Und nächste Woche lernen wir dann, wie man aus Wohnwägen und Tomaten eine tolle Holländische Siedlung baut und was mit Holland passiert wenn wir weiterhin ganz viel Abgase in die Luft blasen, damit der Meeresspiegel steigt.


This is Anky… Anky is Dutch, this is not a profession nor an illness (however) but a nationality. This sounds very funny but it’s the truth. The Dutch are bassicly worthless, because next to pulling their caravans throughout Europe and raising tulips they don’t have many other skills. The best proof you can find in Sports, where they want to win golden medals at the WEG despite everything. In stead of sticking to what they are good in, Caravans, Tulips and Tomato’s which you can hardly eat, they everytime come up with protests. Because the Dutch can’t ride horses, they try to put the horses chin on their chest and when, as always, it seems that the Germans are much better they start complaining about the fact the the Germans (stewards) have make mistakes. And then they come up with a protest, so next to pulling their caravans througout Europe, raising Tulips the Dutch have created another thing they are very good in protests. They do this very often and with pleasure, with the result that they want everybody to listen to their stupid motivation and the reason why the Dutch didn’t win. The Dutch have stolen this attitude from the French, allthough everybody thinks now that it is a Dutch invention.
This kind of attitude often results in the fact that the Germans has to give back their Gold medals, but this time they didn’t have any succes, because nobody wanted to listen to them, and these stupid Dutch don’t understand that the dressage judges and officials are much more in favour of German Beer as they are in favour for these horrable tomatos and tulips. Thats why the Germans won, it sounds very funny but it is very true.

And next week we will learn again how the Dutch with their caravans stuffed with tomatoes are poissioning the world with all the dirt they blow in the air without considering that they are the cause of the rising waterlevel.

I would like to know the source for this article and even though translating is not easy I have to add that you did not get the tone of it into the english. And miss out some exxagerations that show that this is meant to be a joke.
It is article for sure is meant to be a apostil/gloss with pretty “dark” humor.


Considering history for a moment, I think the Germans ought to be a little more careful with the jokes. Maybe the time will come when this sort of thing can be seen as hilarious because everyone knows no malice is intended, but I don’t think we are there yet.

A bit like watermelon jokes .

MMM, interesting piece of writing. I am sure your average German does not perscribe to that kind of an attitude. Yeah, the translation left some stuff out. It is very dark. There is that Dutch VS German thing, in Soccer as well. NO BIG DEAL! Being Dutch, I can not possiblly take this kind of writing personally. And I can not blame Germans as a whole on the writing of one weirdo.

I didn’t realize that cameras were that close to arena

from Nancy Jaffer article found

"Meanwhile, officials decided there was no merit to a protest by the silver medal Dutch dressage team alleging the last rider on the gold medal German dressage team had an advantage because a TV camera was in a different position for her than it was for their last rider. Come on… Whatever happened to the spirit of sportsmanship? I thought this whole thing was really depressing, showing a mindset that does no good for the sport. "

Egontoast, sorry but I am sure that neither you or I are old enough to blame or get blamed for Things that happened in the history of our countries. We have to overcome that !
I (and most germans I know) do not say well the americans have to be careful with making a joke about the mexicans or the jananese or the indians or africa or about arabians because of their history.
We all live today and and we live to our own standards and have to overcome history. We just have to pay attention that the mistakes of history far away or closer are not repeated.
When I read something posted by Aunt Esther making fun about a german pronounciation, well I laugh about it.
Most dutch I know make jokes about themselves and their hobby of pulling caravans and growing tomatoes, tulips and haschisch…
So heh - do not put a racistic (right word) intention into someting ironic and funny translated from German that is far from a racistic attempt. Take it easy and see the fun in it.

There is nothing wrong with this translation, and yes there is some humor in it (at least I hope), but if you can do better “be my guest”.

We are not the people how will start burning German flags or blow German embassies, but IMHO this is not done.

At least it is the talk of the day in the Netherlands and I hope it will melt down before the next competition at Amsterdam, Den Bosch, Arnheim, Maastricht, Zwolle, Geesteren etc…, because this wouldn’t be much fun for the German riders. Wasn’t it Isabelle Werth who stated in a recent interview that she prefered to ride in Holland over Germany. YES it was.

Most dutch I know make jokes about themselves and their hobby of pulling caravans and growing tomatoes, tulips and haschisch…

Oh my god, and then there was the family whose caravan (camper) was stopped at the Greek border (this was back in the 90’s) because they had with them 40 kilo’s of potatos!!! Dutch potatos, of course, because Greece obviously had no better food to offer! That one will stay with me forever. The Dutch DO have a sense of humor about themselves, OK, most of them do :slight_smile:

My genie - i looooofff Fla (or how is it spelled ?).

There is a dutch with a marketstall for marvellous cheese in my town (hey that stall is a car trailor :wink: ) and when he was on a shopping tour he has Fla for sale. I can easily eat 1 liter of chocolate pudding it at once.

We have another rivalry going on: Eisschnelllauf (fast track ice-skating in english ?)

Oh my god, and then there was the family whose caravan (camper) was stopped at the Greek border (this was back in the 90’s) because they had with them 40 kilo’s of potatos!!! Dutch potatos, of course, because Greece obviously had no better food to offer! That one will stay with me forever. The Dutch DO have a sense of humor about themselves, OK, most of them do :)[/QUOTE]

Did they have mayonaise with them and something to frie them ?
(fritieren ?)

I also love the dutch way of making french fries. i just have no idea, what they do diffenrently.

Did they have mayonaise with them and something to frie them ?
(fritieren ?)

I also love the dutch way of making french fries. i just have no idea, what they do diffenrently.[/QUOTE]

Hey, well, maybe they had a cooking stove in their camper. LOL. They were stopped at the border because their camper was sagging so much.

I too, love (and really really miss) vla. It is not to be gotten over here in CA!!!
…and patat (Dutch french fries).

Well, I read the article as translated and thought it was very funny and very tongue in cheek.

I found nothing mean about it. :slight_smile:

chocolate sprinkles on toast - yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Didn’t you see that big poster during the World Championship Soccer where the Dutch supporters asked the Germans to bring back their bicycles, golden teeth of their parents, and all the van Gogh and Rembrand paintings.

And for what the beer concerns Belgium should have been winning every Equestrian Games for the last 200 years.

Belgian Ale - yummmmm

oh…Belgain beer. YUM!

Glad to see we all have the same taste in beer! :winkgrin:

appelstroop–on toast with a slice of Gouda on it

I have a jar of appelstroop in my fridge right now - and a bottle of Calve fritessaus - and a small bag of zoute drop in my pantry! There are some childhood tastes you don’t outgrow. :smiley:
In some ways local rivalries don’t translate well - even if the wording is correct. My Pennsylvania neighbours will never understand why Wisconsinites call folks from Illinois “flatlanders” (aren’t both states flat?).
The German/Dutch joke above has some of the same problems.

alexandra, I’m not Dutch and I am not American and not anti german either. Very happy to hear that Isabel and Satchmo shone in the GP Special and can’t wait to see it. See [post below asking about Satchmo.

I like a good chuckle as much as the next person. Perhaps it was the translation but where was the funny in that piece? To me , it sounded xenophobic, but what do I know. Nuthin.

Cheese is goud. Give me some cheese.