??? Breeders (of many different breeds) put mares under lights (not usually beginning in March) and do so for reasons having nothing to do with January foaling, but for other considerations.
Geography is one. There are many areas in the U.S. where breeders avoid having a foal born either in the heat of the summer, or in the dead of winter, depending on where they are located.
Most people here arenât to try to âimpressâ anyone. We have discussions. You seem to have a disparaging view of thoroughbred racing and breeding, but little actual knowledge, and itâs puzzling.
If you are interested in TB racing, breeding, or sales, why not take advantage of the experience of people here, who arenât trying to impress anyone, but are straight forward when asked a question and who, it is clear, know what theyâre talking about? I have some experience with TB breeding, but little IRL experience with racing, and Iâve learned quite a lot from the people here who do.