WILLEM: feed your horse der RIGHT WAY

lauriep…I think you hit the nail on the head!

Nice try Willem What horse in their right mind would eat bute without it being cleverly disguised by sweetfeed?!!!

Hahaha! Willem you are the best!! Thanks for the advice and instruction- I have been doing all wrong for so long!

Mein Schatzis und Stud Muffins,

Mein friends und mein selve we haff beed talking a-bout some big problemo wot mannie off you haff. Und zo, for der sake von your horsje, I be splaining this to you right now.

Mannie off you wenn you make dinner for your horsje, you haff big bucket und you throw every thing in bucket und mix it up all together.


We loff flavor und variety. Und zo, mebbe you can to do this:

  1. wenn you putt out der hay, like iffen you only giff one flavor off hay putt ein handful (wot you make this ein big handful) von other flavor on top or next to main hay

  2. wenn you do der grain stuff und things, get big feeder. Like wot it haff flat space for things.

  3. make little piles. Mein selve I loff wenn der sunflower seeds they be in one pile und der karotten be in one pile und other treats be in one pile und Senor Feed (this it be food for growed up horsjes mit Mehicano spices) in one pile und feed mit poison (like Bute und stuff in things) in one pile

Wenn you do this we can to haff mannie flavors. Iffen you don’t nott to agree mit this, take it up mit Emeril Lagasse.

I haff sayed this be fore, I be ein German horse und this it be straight from mein mouth.

Der Bute it be mixed in der food, aber then that pile it be der Poison Food Pile.

I haff sayed this be fore, I be ein German horse und this it be straight from mein mouth.