WILLEM: Happie Cinco de Mayo! (horse related)

Happie Cinco de Mayo! I didn’t nott to know this but Cinco de Mayo it be HORSE RELATED.

There beed five Mayo brothers: Groucho, Harpo, Zippo, Gordo und Rico Suave. They haff beed distant relations von der Guinness brothers Patty und Ricky. Any ways, there beed twenny chillens all to gether in der Mayo family, aber we only be talking a-bout these five.

They haff started ein horse racing stable called Mayo Brothers Racing in Rosarita Beach, Mexico, der idea wot it haff comed to them one night when they beed getting hammered at der bar von La Fonda. Gordo he haff sayed that die distant Oirish cousines, Patty und Ricky, they haff invented horse supplement wot it be called Guinness, und this it be verrie good for horses. Und so Rico Suave he haff sayed that they could to make one them selves, mit tequila und worm at der bottom, und giff it to der race horses wot they haff been running at Agua Caliente in Tijuana for years.

Und zo this it beed how it haff beed invented. Der grooms at Agua Caliente (this wot it be Espanol for “hot water”), they haff discovered that MAYO it also be good for peoples, und zo they goed to the store und sayed “I will have ein cinco de Mayo, bitte.” Und then they haff shared this mit their horses.

It haff becomed legendary drink in Mexico und zo they haff maded Cinco de Mayo ein big celebration day for this good supplement for horses.


Loff Willem.

I haff sayed this be fore, I be ein German horse und this it be straight from mein mouth.

Happy Cinqo de Mayo from Fiesta and Caliente, my two weanling fillies.

Another little-known fact is that the Mayo brothers who started the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota were distant cousins of Groucho, Harpo, Zippo, Gordo und Rico Suave, and they were originally veterinarians. They started the REAL Mayo Clinic as an equine hospital, but when the use of horses in the city declined, they doctored (as it were) their diplomas and converted the Mayo Clinic to a hospital for people.

Enjoy your supplements, all!

Approved helmet: Every ride; every time.

Dorina! OMGiH I haff knowed this, und a-gain I be saying to you HAPPIE BERSDAY on der internet. Mein selve I haff sended you mannie cadeaus, do you haff them yet at your howse? I didn’t nott to could tell you this on das telefoon this morgen becose I didn’t nott to want to wreck der surprise.

Mein selve und mein friends we haff rented big truck for transport to your howse to-night.

Loff Willem.

I haff sayed this be fore, I be ein German horse und this it be straight from mein mouth.

Dere Tante Wade,

I don’t nott to haff whole winter off. Tell mein Cousine Woody that if he be thinken this, this it be wrong. I only haffed time off becose I haffed owies. Now owies they be better. I don’t nott to get winters off other wise becose this it be wenn I loff to gallop und made mud go flying.

Loff Willem.

I haff sayed this be fore, I be ein German horse und this it be straight from mein mouth.

Senor Feed, this wot it be verrie good for you! It haff things in it wot giff this grain der va-va-voom to make you scream “ARRIBA!!!”

I haff sayed this be fore, I be ein German horse und this it be straight from mein mouth.

Once again, Willem has astounded me with the breadth AND depth of his knowledge.

Who needs google.com anymore…?

Give me WILLEM.COM any day! (or night!)

Ay carramba, mein pferde especial!

kusjes und karrotten!

Willem danke mucho for all die cadeaus. I haf put dem up all around mein haus mit die scotch tape. All die DQs who beed friends of my modder (I loff her) haf beed swooning from die one off die cowboy butt im die sehr tight Levis. They say they haff not never seen one zo beeutifal before

Aber I haff told them, “Dat don’t not be no cowboy, it be Willem und he be about nearly 18 hands” I don’t not think they haff believed me be-cose they haff called me “Silly girl”

See you to-nacht


Maybe to celebrate today you can have some of your special Senor Feed.

“I used to be disgusted, now I try to be amused.” --Elvis Costello

I haff always knowed dat you loff me, schatzi Willem be-cose today it be mein geburtstag. I be having ein grosse party mit die karotten torte, silly hats, tequilla und karioke. Lara Flynn Boyle haff said she will help me choose vat to wear becose my pink ballerina wetsuit haf been zuch a big hit for her at die Golden Globes. Please bring all your friends.



Ok, Willem, my dear friend, I am revising my idea for the book you should write.

It should definitely be a history book!


A have a message from your Cousine Woody (who’s too drunk to type as he’s recovering from the fact he can’t come live with his Auntie Coreene and get the ENTIRE winter off…) He says Happie Cinco DeMayo and he’s drinking lots of margaritas with his friends today!!
Auntie Diane


Happie Cinco de Mayo! I didn’t nott to know this but Cinco de Mayo it be HORSE RELATED.

There beed five Mayo brothers: Groucho, Harpo, Zippo, Gordo und Rico Suave. They haff beed distant relations von der Guinness brothers Patty und Ricky. Any ways, there beed twenny chillens all to gether in der Mayo family, aber we only be talking a-bout these five.

They haff started ein horse racing stable called Mayo Brothers Racing in Rosarita Beach, Mexico, der idea wot it haff comed to them one night when they beed getting hammered at der bar von La Fonda. Gordo he haff sayed that die distant Oirish cousines, Patty und Ricky, they haff invented horse supplement wot it be called Guinness, und this it be verrie good for horses. Und so Rico Suave he haff sayed that they could to make one them selves, mit tequila und worm at der bottom, und giff it to der race horses wot they haff been running at Agua Caliente in Tijuana for years.

Und zo this it beed how it haff beed invented. Der grooms at Agua Caliente (this wot it be Espanol for “hot water”), they haff discovered that MAYO it also be good for peoples, und zo they goed to the store und sayed “I will have ein cinco de Mayo, bitte.” Und then they haff shared this mit their horses.

It haff becomed legendary drink in Mexico und zo they haff maded Cinco de Mayo ein big celebration day for this good supplement for horses.


Loff Willem.

I haff sayed this be fore, I be ein German horse und this it be straight from mein mouth.

Ha!!! So it was the worm that killed Phar Lap - we always knew you jealous yanks killed him!!