WILLEM: here I be in mein Rastafairan ear cover (it be verrie handsome)

My name is Guy Noir and your mother has seen me I think at Horse Country. No doubt your mother is imagining the pain of having to find someone to make an earscrim lovely enough for you to wear. She should know better, hmmm? I am currently modelling the ultimate earscrim from Italy (sorry Willem, yours is lovely, but mine are well…LOVELIER ) In beautiful colors that accent, coordinate or blend with your lovely grey coat. Each has silky cord accents and binding and matching show sheets and saddle pads are available, too. Tell your mother to “Come On DOWN.” Tell her Guy Noir told her to just do it!

Kind Kryswyn is typing this for me as I am stuck (literally) in the store and it’s hard for me to use a keyboard.

“Always look on the bright side of life, de doo, de doo de doo de doo”

Harumph! Why should the boys get new clothes when beautiful grey mares like myself (okay, and maybe Maddie) go in the same old boring so last year ear nets?

I too must find out how much a beautiful, grey mare appropriate, ear net costs. Then, if my mommy won’t buy me one, I’ll buck her off!

This it be ein ear cover wot mein modder Coreene (I loff her) she haff picked out fur me in ein pferden shop in Rotterdam. This it be the same kind off thing wot die Dutch Warmbluts wot hang out in die hash bars und Bulldog Cafe in Amsterdam be wearing. Und since Coreene (I loff her) she be ein Hollandisch madchen, this it be okay.

Mein favorite teevee show it be Law und Order.

I be a German horse und this be straight from mein mouth.

Proof Set can NOT have Guy Noir. He belongs to me, the REAL SaraPony!!! We have shared ear nets, that is a life-long bonding experience. Guy needs and wants a true american, working Quarter Horse, like me. We will be together forever

Betwixt the stirrup and the ground, mercy I asked, mercy I found

When I get my beautiful new chapeau, I will ask mummy to take another lovely picture so you can see.

Friends? xoxoxoxoxo