Willem, you better be very good to her tomorrow. I hope you will get her good stuff like she gives you. You have a very good mother.
I’m getting willem’s mother a big yellow taxi!
Please disregard the statement below my name.
Willem, you better be very good to her tomorrow. I hope you will get her good stuff like she gives you. You have a very good mother.
Willem, will you post tomorrow how Mother’s Day went? How much longer will you be under house arrest, you naughty Horse.
Hokie dokie, my modder (I loff her) be out fer dinner mit die husband zo I can be posting on die www tonight.
I be in die verrie big time trouble from my birthday party. I be verrie sorry dat you be im trouble auch. Haben die Herr Policeman really be coming to your howse? My modder (I loff her) have said that they haf gibt you a bracelet. I loff jewelery, as you know
. Danke soooo much for die browband. I loff it und ich liebe dicht auch.
OK I haf to go now becose die babysitter wants to use die www.
PS Do you know where mein nightie blanket is? After die party, it don’t not beed at mein howse anymore. My modder (I loff her) have said dat it be on die 405 freeway aber I don’t not be believing her. Kisjes
Dere Missy KathyR,
I don’t nott to usually be on der www on ein Zaterdag abend, aber mein selve I haff beed putted under howse arrest for ein problemo mit der Cinco de Mayo party. I can to stay in mein stable only, I can go to out off mein howse aber not a-way von der property. Und zo I beed looking on der www.
I haff getted her mannie mannie mannie mannie mannie things, aber I don’t nott to can write a-bout them becose iffen she beed reading this in der morgen before she come to mein howse, then I haff blowed der surprize.
I can to tell you that she will loff it verrie mucho und I haff alzo promised her that I don’t nott to do things wot they haff Herr Mr Policeman standing outside von mein howse again.
Loff Willem.
I haff sayed this be fore, I be ein German horse und this it be straight from mein mouth.
From what I heard about the goings-on at Dorina’s Cinco de Mayo party, they both may be grounded until next Cinco de Mayo.
Dere Missy KathyR,
Well, becose it be Modders Day I haff letted Coreene giff me ein bath becose she haff sayed that I be stinky. Und I haff letted her spend mannie mannie minutes trying to scrub dandruff shampoo into mein tail. This wot it haff beed verrie boring, aber I haff standed still die entire time und I didn’t nott to haff throwed bubbles through der air. I didn’t nott to be stinky, I haff rolled in der mud becose this wot it be verrie good for your skin. Like ein spa.
Dorina, mein schatzi, ich lieber dich auch und der blanket wot I think it haff beed throwed out der window von trailer on 73 toll road. I be sorrie. Aber you beed drunk und haff giffed it to Rufus, wot he be ein Orish Harse.
Loff Willem.
I haff sayed this be fore, I be ein German horse und this it be straight from mein mouth.
Willem! Yer anglisch has improven so pretty!
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